The True Value of Mateship

2 minute read…

Mateship is a privilege and a joy to have!  It is the next level up from friends, they are loved ones. These are the special people we allow and look for in our inner sanctum. Only the people in our lives that we have an intimate connection with have access to our inner sanctum. It is the people we unconditionally love, trust and are not afraid to share our deepest thoughts, feelings and concerns with. It is an unexplainable bond!

Mateship is a soul-to-soul connection. There is a knowing that when we are together, being in each other’s presence, makes us feel loved, supported and happy.

They are the friends that have our back and when others walk away and pretend not to notice our struggles they step forward and say “I’m here beside you.”

They don’t take control of our lives or attempt to dictate the conditions of the mateship ; they accept us for who we are and we accept them. They support us in our time of need and love to celebrate our achievements.

The happiness that comes from mateship is uplifting. To have a confidant who never judges you is priceless.

When a mate betrays us, they show us they were never a true mate, they were an imposter. We’ll meet imposters, and it will hurt like hell when we realise they didn’t value our love for them. Many of us have spent years believing they care about us as much as we have cared about them, only to discover when the conditions suit, they’ll take the opportunity to treacherously betray the value of our mateship . They’ll discard us or arrogantly believe that they could cross the lines held within the mateship code, hoping we’ll remain loyal to the belief that we are mates. Once the lines are crossed, and hurt is felt confusion reigns. When respect is gone so is the mateship. This only proves they devalue mateship, (not you, this behaviour should never be used as an assessment of your worth).

The ultimate criteria of mateship is trust; we love that we can trust them. Our mates are trustworthy and never intentionally hurt, betray or put us down. They are our champion and we are theirs. It is an honour to be considered a mate and with that comes the responsibility of honouring those who trust us.

There are people who don’t know how to be a valuable friend, they take but don’t give back. These people may fool us that they are mates, but their true colours will eventually override any illusion they’ve used to manipulate us.

It is empowering to follow the advice of Dr. Maya Angelou, “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” This doesn’t mean we can’t give some grace; hiccups happen but don’t ignore who people are. Trusting what we witness can save us a lot of heartache further down the track. When we override self-respect to give the benefit of the doubt to someone we want to remain loyal to, we open ourselves up to manipulation. Mates don’t manipulate each other!

Make your decision of who you can trust by how you feel in their presence. Always take notice of their words and actions, and if they are not in sync, acknowledge that truth. If you find you’re making excuses for them, or apologising to others on their behalf, know it is time to walk away.

Your happiness is too valuable to be wasted on false mateships.

Your integrity is too valuable to be abused by those who do not value you.

Value your friendships and choose your mates wisely.

A true mate is one the greatest sources of happiness you’ll ever know.

Written by Lorraine Nilon





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an upset lady surrounded by suitcases representing emotional baggage


Intuition – A brief overview

1 minute read…

We are all intuitive souls, we can feel, sense and hear truth. Our souls naturally resonate with truth, and intuition is the recognition of that resonance.

Intuition is an internal signal telling us to be aware of ourselves, take notice of reality and be open to exploring. Working with our intuition does not mean we always have the answers, but it does mean we are aware that there is a question. This can be the start of a beautiful adventure, one that your soul is aware of the possibilities but we may not recognise until in hindsight we see how the pieces fell together. When we trust we can feel our souls calling us in a direction. it requires us to back our own intuition-inner knowing.

Developed intuition is knowing when to value the significance of our internal feelings, and to trust our awareness.

Our intuition is a signal that it is time to be curious, observant and true to ourselves. When we acknowledge what we can internally feel we intuitively gain, or are in a process of gaining, insight and awareness.

Developing our intuition enables us to feel truth, which may not be all the truth. It could be a snippet or an awareness that something is out of alignment with truth. Intuition is recognising our awareness of energy; an internal knowing that we are responding to the frequency of truth, or reacting to the vibration of something that is out of kilter with truth.

Unfortunately, as we separate from the truth of who we naturally are, and the truth of our feelings, we make it difficult to trust what we feel, sense and internally know. This often leaves us overriding our own insight and awareness, and it not until hindsight kicks in that we realise the importance of what we had felt.

Empaths are highly sensitive to what they feel, sense and hear. The more they understand energy, the better they can work with and not against their own intuition. Empaths are highly intuitive but are often confused by their own awareness.

Spiritual Journaling

2.30 minute read…

The brilliant thing about journaling is there is no right or wrong way to do it. You can write as little or as much as you want. All of my books have questions, prompts to draw your attention, so you can focus on whatever it ignites.

Peppered throughout the books are exercises, so you take what is written off the pages, into your thoughts and your real world. This is so it becomes an experience that enables you to express your insight and awareness. It is a way of assisting you to tap into your consciousnesssoul-knowingintuitiveness.

When journaling, write like no-one will ever see it. (Decide later if you want to share it.) Trust that you will handle what is revealed and rejoice in those moments of realization. You may find your clarity refreshing and permit yourself to be honest about your reaction to either the question, prompt or what you wrote. Your reaction will reveal something to you.

Sometimes it is a relief to see, express or say aloud what is held deep within. It can decompress the tension your suppressed emotions create. It can put your feelings and perception of reality together, unjumbling them, so you can be a witness to your inner world.

Journaling can create the opportunity to know what you value,
to identify what triggers an emotional reaction or lets you
recognise the wisdom of your own insight and awareness.

You don’t have to journal; discussing questions, quotes or the illustrations with people who share your love for spiritual exploration and truth-seeking, works brilliantly as well. This is always interesting in the workshops and retreats; you see we learn from each other. Sharing stories, thoughts and even our confusion, lets us recognise the truth that talks directly to our souls, because when we truly listen, we feel.

Inner growth stems from understanding yourself. This requires attention and intention. When you seek the truth, you will uncover it. This doesn’t always mean instantly, but every honest word that expresses your truth, is heading to that moment of clarity, that puts all the pieces together so you can resonate with your truth. You might refer to these moments as:

  • Realizations – awakening to a truth
  • Enlightening – recognition of greater knowledge and expansion of awareness
  • Inspiration – recognising an idea that makes your heart sing, or feeling the stirring of your soul

You decide when to be an active participant in revealing to yourself what you truly contribute to life and inject into your relationships. Journaling is a way of learning from what you have experienced or are currently experiencing. It challenges you to be mindful and to deliberately put yourself in a position to be truthful and to learn for ourselves.

Emotional and spiritual maturity occurs as we become
prepared to objectively observe ourselves and life.

Experiment: Pick one of the following statements and journal your thoughts and feelings.

Excerpt from Energy of Souls

We learn a lot when we:

  1. examine the beliefs that motivate our behaviours; we find what reflects our truth or oppresses our awareness of truth.
  2. are prepared to challenge what influences the way we think; we open the door to self-discovery.
  3. honestly question ourselves about why we react the way we do; we are ready to explore.
  4. face the fears that cause us to retreat from the truth of ourselves; we liberate ourselves.
  5. confront how we filter what we see; we begin to observe what has always been there.
  6. explore the energy we feel; we rejuvenate our awareness of ourselves.
  7. value truth; we naturally build a strong relationship with our soul.
  8. We learn a lot when we ……………


2 minute read…

Are you destined to explore the unknown wilderness of your soul?

Spiritual explorers are born with an inner knowing that they have something to do this lifetime!

Many spiritualists feel the urge to leave ‘no-rock-unturned’. This means they will do all they can to achieve what they were born to do. They are born with an inner knowing, that this life is an opportunity for evolution. They are also aware it requires committed truth-seeking and soul-searching, and begin to question everything. They’ll know that something is amiss and be aware of a void within, and seek meaning in their life experiences. These people are aware, even before they truly understand it, that they have a soul intent to resolve what anchors them to their unconsciousness.

This inner knowing will eventually awaken them to the journey ahead because they know it is a return to their truth. They know adopting beliefs, aligning with other’s expectations or performing spiritual illusions will not satisfy them. They yearn for authenticity and to embrace their resonance with the truth of their origins.

Many have had a rough time due to their heightened awareness; they see what others ignore and feel what others deny. They are sensitive to energy, the shifts that reveal the frequencies of truth and the vibrations of non-truths. The world can be a confusing place for those who feel with their heart, and various paths are walked until the shine of their consciousness awakens them to the uniqueness of their soul.

Awakening isn’t a belief they align to; it is a willingness to broaden their understanding of our place within the reality many are oblivious to. The journey is one of highs and lows, and each step is an opportunity to grow. Eventually, it enables them to see and reject the desires they have been indoctrinated to believe make them unworthy of their internal knowing. They begin to reject the superficial, recognising it does not feed their soul. They look for meaningfulness, truthfulness and inner-fulfillment.

As the veils of denial start to lift, at first, they are shocked at what they missed, and confusion often reigns as they attempt to make sense of their awareness of life. They search for answers that have a resonance with their soul. They accept (sometimes dubiously) that their life experiences as teachers. With each rock they turn, new learning begins. They are spiritual explorers, born to intentionally participate in the evolution of their soul.

Accepting you are a spiritual explorer, with a unique path to walk, can be both liberating and daunting. However, a spiritual explorer will take the steps into the unknown, because they know they are not alone as they walk.

When we mindfully explore the labyrinth of life, we evolve through our discoveries. When we refuse to acknowledge the opportunities life presents, we become stuck in the labyrinth, unaware that we are the key to unburdening our souls.

Any fool can know. The point is to understand – Quote Albert Einstein

5.20 minute read…

There is a reason why we ignore what we know.
Knowing the reason transforms
knowledge into understanding.
A game-changer.

The reasons why we ignore what we know, vary from person to person, but fundamentally it boils down to what we select as valuable. When the truth of something interferes with what we want to be true, we devalue truth and align with our desires—our wants. When the blinkers go on and we deliberately ignore the truth, it means we fool ourselves.

We fool ourselves to believe our desires are the most important thing in the world. This causes us to become people we don’t like. Whatever we value instead of truth is going to create harm to ourselves, others or our environment.

We all have carrots—that ‘something’ we want—and are prepared to ignore everything we internally know in our attempts to get it. They are changeable and often unpredictable; we covet one carrot and then exchange it for another. However, they are always ego-driven. This is recognisable when truth is devalued.

We automatically think of material possessions or achieving an outcome, but our carrots run deeper than that. If we only look at what we covet – our carrots, from the materialistic or accomplishment angle, we prove that we do not understand our motives, which is often the case.

A possession or achievement that we covet and believe proves we have crossed the finish line, becomes a stepping stone to creating a new carrot. Ego driven desires ignite the compulsion for more, because they never truly feed the undercurrent of embedded beliefs, unresolved emotions and suppressed fears that flame the desire.

When the carrot is dangled and we believe it is ours for the taking, we deliberately use the energy of our unconsciousness to get it. We operate from the emotions we deny and generally become governed by one or more of the *seven deadly sins, which become shields to acknowledging the truth of ourselves. (*Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Pride and the Narcissism of Vanity.)

What we consider to be a carrot—that important ‘something’, depends on what it is that we desire. Some desires stem from a thought fuelled by a belief that having or achieving that ‘something’, proves we are entitled to live getting what we want. We believe that ‘something’ proves we are more important than others or that we can manifest our desires. Sometimes we believe it will alleviate fear or disprove a belief that we are not good enough. It could have developed from a triggered competition, trying to prove we are better than another or what another has instilled in us or implied we are.  It may be sustaining an expectation that we have been indoctrinated into. Carrots came in many varieties.

Regardless of how we dangle the carrot in front of ourselves, it can become a desire that we lose ourselves to. These types of burning desires do not originate from our soul, they stem from the pits of our unconsciousness—the lowest denominator of our energy, and cause us to forsake our souls.

Soul aspirations stem from an innate knowing that is anchored in truth. These cause us to seek the truth and to deal with reality. This is not what I’m talking about here! These carrots cause us to ignore what we know, and to arrogantly oppose the reality of ourselves. We use them to trigger the energy of our unconsciousness, which leads us to be egotistical and manipulative.

The desire to get what we believe we want—our carrots, expose the energy within the cesspit of our unconsciousness and how willing we are to devalue truth. They reveal our lack of understanding about our souls, the life-purpose of resolution and evolution, and of the value of being truthful.

What we covet—our carrots—cause us to:

  • feed our denial and then we see no evil in what we do.
  • hear no truth and then we avoid acknowledging the reality of how we counteract truth with deception.
  • do as we please, and then we resist taking responsibility for our actions.
  • speak lies, and then we co-dependently cling to justifying our position.

When we ignore what we know and fixate on the desire, we allow ourselves to embody the resistance, denial and avoidance required to fasten to the pursuit we have forsaken truth for. Facts become irrelevant. Our shared history becomes incidental. The damage we cause becomes trivialised. We become the embodiment of indifference and use resentment, blame and judgement to justify ourselves. We exploit and deny the significance of others. We take, disregarding the consequences and we destroy something—relationships, sense of self or resources. We also extinguish the core essences of our souls.

This pattern of behaviour may land us with the prize we seek, but at what cost? It is also a guarantee that it will not feed our souls, it will feel toxic and leave some form of destruction behind in our path.

The toxicity felt grows and triggers compulsive behaviours, leaving us to contend with our emotionally out-burst or internal implosions. Toxicity creates an internal tension that builds into anxiety, paranoia or a complete superficial existence. We can become stuck on a treadmill of self-sabotage even if we cannot recognise it; fixated on the carrot, unwilling to acknowledge what we are doing to ourselves and others. We separate further from our souls, so that we can ignore what we know.

We don’t understand that our inner angst cannot be quelled with materialism, accolades or ego-driven achievement. Our inability to understand stems from an unwillingness to acknowledge what we know, so we gloss over reality and fixate on the elusive carrot. This eventually leaves us rudderless. We lose purpose because what we have strived for lacks true meaning and becomes purposeless.

Understanding why we desire the carrot can change how we undertake the pursuit. We may walk away knowing it was a fool’s errand, we may take what is still linked to truth and build a meaningful endeavour. Or we may refuse to be honest with ourselves and continue to ignore all we know to align with the desire.

Asking the question of why we desire what we do, and then honestly answering it enables what we know to transform into understanding. Then the catch is to use the understanding wisely.

Recognising when we are lost in the pursuit of an outcome, and awake to how disconnected from what we are experiencing, can be a trigger to ask the question why the outcome is important. It also shows us it is time to address our boundaries. Boundaries reflect our values. Knowing what we value enables us to question ourselves honestly.

When truth and integrity are valued, regardless of the events that unfold, we have an anchor to our soul. This enables us to feed our soul along the journey and to recognise that being of our truth and living with integrity is the achievable carrot that is eaten along the way, not chased down the rabbit-hole of an emotional abyss.

When we make being of the essences of our soul a priority of living, we realise we are already good enough and, instead of trying to prove we are important, we share our significance with all we encounter. Understanding our value system enables us to live in a way that expresses our soul, instead of oppressing our soul.

We live in a world that no longer see each other as souls, sentient beings and instead view us as consumers or exploitable. We have allowed this perception to rob us of the fundamentals of being human.

It has deprived us of:

  • Being true to our souls.
  • Valuing the core essences of our soul.
  • Embracing the journey to achievement.
  • Defining life’s successes via experiences.
  • Accepting the internal knowing that life is an evolutionary expedition.
  • Understanding resolving our unconsciousness creates evolution within ourselves.

Knowing what we value is a stepping-stone to transforming
what we know into understanding.

Insight & Awareness Self-Help Books

3.40 minute read…

Insight & Awareness books

do not sit comfortably in the tradition of ‘self-help’ books.

If you are only driven by achieving an outcome, fixated on “your wants”, seeking to manifest your will, or on the chase to control life, these books will irritate you. They are not manuals that tell you to follow specific instructions or adhere to the advice. They layout a landscape, remove the cloaks of camouflage so that you can journey through, building your awareness, while uncovering what you recognise.

They provide a map highlighting what to contemplate and supply a platform for you to become self-reflective. This starts with what is written and how it relates to you, from there you will become more aware of yourself.

Each book is an introspective journey, an expedition—a way of exploring your inner-self.

The books provide an opportunity to discover the inner obstacles to knowing and nurturing your soul. They work best when you accept and seek to find all that is carried, generated and emanated from your soul. These books create a junction of circumstances that provide an opportunity to understand your truth, to soul-search and to accept the complexity and simplicity of your reality. Your life experiences and the books insightful information as well as your curiosity combine, enabling you to intentionally participate in your evolutionary journey. 

Insight & Awareness books meet you where you are at, and

shows you to perspectives that are hidden within you.

You are already on a soul journey; it is called life, and life is a messy affair. You will experience regret, disappointment, grief, losses, failure and be shocked by the unexpected. You will also experience joy, excitement, love, successes and be pleasantly surprised by the unexpected. That’s life, one big bag of mixed emotions and events.

Learning from life is not a straightforward event nor is it neat and tidy; it is messy because we are attempting to deal with the irrationality of our emotions as we head towards the unknown. At times learning is a chaotic adventure and each exploration can highlight more than we bargained for; it is a dynamic multi-stranded journey.

Learning requires us to acknowledge ourselves and reality. Acknowledgement allows us to progress and to expand our awareness. Insight & Awareness books, unravel the complexities of life and present it to you, offering the opportunity to learn from what you have experienced.   

Life is walking a path,

the catch is learning how to look up and see the view.

Insight & Awareness books reveal the purpose of life and why you are here. They support you to acknowledge the meaningfulness of your experiences and highlight what matters. What you take notice of and resonate with depends on where you have set the binoculars. You can read the same information at different times and you’ll become aware of something new. (Have fun experimenting with this concept.) As your awareness increases, you’ll recognise a deeper layer to what you are reading.

Our life purpose is about realising we belong in consciousness. Knowing what that means takes a self-discovery journey, one that lasts a lifetime and beyond. Developing an honest relationship with ourselves, others, life, the truth and our origins, is an evolutionary endeavoura continuous one.

Insight & Awareness books don’t ask you to get on a spiritual journey, they inform you that you are already on one. Living in all its forms is a spiritual journey. When you recognise this, it gives greater meaning to all you have experienced and are experiencing.

The information, stories and exercises enlighten you to the possibility of turning pain into insight. Trauma into resilience. Confusion into clarity and much more. They demonstrate why it is worth walking towards what was once ran from and instead of carrying what is suppressed, get it out, deal with it and allow yourself to grow. With a new perspective emotional and spiritual growth is inevitable.

Carrying our emotional baggage on a merry-go-round of soul oppression, sustains what we want to run from. So, deal with or don’t deal with the reality of yourself, it is a choice. These books reveal an often-hidden reality that we are constantly choosing either to deal with reality or to ignore it. The latter leaves us trapped in our own emotional prisons, stuck on the merry-go-round of repeat, repeat, miss the point, repeat, repeat, miss the point. 

Insight & Awareness books are thought-provoking, asking you to examine your beliefs, to feel your reactions and to listen to your soul. They are more than just books they are invitations, explorations and create opportunities to get honest. They assist the development of your clarity and expand your understanding of being a significant soul in a larger evolutionary story.

What resonates with your soul becomes illuminated; it may answer a question, open a door to more questions or enable you to recognise and appreciate yourself. Sometimes you’ll be confronted, staring down the barrel of what you wanted to ignore. Other times you’ll scratch your head, knowing there is something you want to grasp and it may take more time or another experience before you get it. Sometimes you’ll celebrate the pieces falling in place and other times it reaffirms what you already knew. 

Insight & Awareness are books for your soul!

Your Insight & Awareness Book

Tips for how to read ‘Your Insight and Awareness Book’

1.30 minute read…

“A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)

Your Insight and Awareness Book is a map to understanding how to free yourself from the internal and external prisons you created or adopted. It highlights the bars, locks and wardens of self-limitation. It is a tool that you will use uniquely. It can only point in a direction what you see, feel and discover is very personal to voyager.

  1. Try randomly opening the book
  2. Where ever your eyes rest, allow yourself to engage
  3. Use it as a source of contemplation

You might discover an illustration, paragraph, sentence or word that triggers a reaction or guides you to self-reflection.

Take notice of the reaction.

  • Did you have a moment of clarity?
  • Did you want to run?
  • Did you gloss over it, pretending to be aware?
  • Did you slam shut the book because it was too close to the bone?
  • Did you laugh?
  • Did you feel your soul as you accepted your inner-understanding about what you read?
  • Did you feel honoured to participate in a self-exploration?
  • Did you ……………………………………………………………………….?


If you struggle to read or comprehend something, mark it and periodically come back to it.

  • You might be experiencing a flood of emotional energy that needs time to settle for you to grasp the concept. (That means you have hit on something important – remember the journey is like a jig-saw, as you put the pieces together you see the bigger picture.)
  • Your soul may be laying down a foundation and your life experience are going to build a scaffold to expand your awareness. (When you come back, you may be surprised that you struggled.)

A map is only useful if someone is willing to use it as a guide.

What do you mean by ‘the truth of who we are’- authenticity?

1.30 minute read…

This is a really good question. Your soul is the truth of who you are.

I use this term a lot and what it means is to have your thoughts, actions, words and feelings all in tune, expressing the authenticity of your soul. This doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to share your inner thoughts with others, but you are aware and know why you want to keep your awareness private. You are also mindful of the reasons behind the decisions you make. Understanding you are a soul requires you to acknowledge and deal with whatever is camouflaging your authentic self.

Being aware of your authentic self requires self-honesty. (Honesty is often easier to say than do.) It is acknowledging your presence and contribution to whatever you are experiencing.

When you take full responsibility for how you exist in the world, you begin to recognise the significance of peace within. (Exist in the world doesn’t mean what you possess or the positions you are in, I mean how you choose to interact with all that life encompasses. How you treat others and yourself? What you value? Your integrity.)

Your relationship with yourself is your most important relationship. When you realise that you determine the type of relationship you have with yourself, you begin to appreciate all your life experiences. You cannot control how you are received and sometimes you will never know what others think of you or why they chose to treat you the way they did. However, understanding ourselves is key to self-acceptance. You should be your own best supporter, nurturer and friend.

Being of your truth stems from recognising you have the freedom to be of and to trust, the value of your uniqueness. You choose whether you are going to be of your truth, or suppress the true nature of your soul. Accepting you are significant is a stepping stone to embracing the truth of who you are.

You shouldn’t try ‘to find yourself’, you should take the time to be aware of yourself, and seek to understand what influences you, with the realisation that you are an evolving soul capable of developing a strong relationship with your true essence.

Life is the journey of discovering the exquisiteness of who we are.

Harmony within yourself should never be underestimated.

It is worth the honesty required.

What is the most important part of spirituality?

1 minute read…

This week I was asked, ” What I thought was the most important part of spirituality?”

This is an interesting question!

This was my answer, however there is no one answer and each of us prioritise different things at different time; it is dependent on our current situation.

We can philosophise about the meaning of life, and use words of wisdom, but it is the actions we take and how we interact with each other that reveals what we value.

Spirituality can become a shield we hide behind as we ignore how we operate in this world. True spirituality is to be engaged in our life experiences, acknowledging whatever they are revealing to us. It is also being aware of ourselves, taking responsibility and accountability for our contribution to what we are experiencing.

Each of our actions has an intent, some hidden better than others. If we are honest about our intent, we are more in tuned with our authenticity.

The most important part of spirituality is being truthful about ourselves, without that, we are disconnected from our authenticity. Disconnection allows us to use spirituality as a convenience, image or a source to sustain denial.

Truthfulness doesn’t always come easy, because we have to compete against our own fears, judgements and denial. Understanding this, and then learning how to deal with the unconsciousness of ourselves, is a major part of all true spiritual journeys and it also leads to evolution.


Lorraine Nilon

Collaboration vs Competition

5 minute read…

Collaborations are balancing acts

and ones that require all contributors to be

respectful and appreciative of the journey collaboration always creates.


Collaboration is respectfully working together to achieve a goal or to explore something of mutual importance. Partnerships require respect for each other and a high level of communication, so each can work to their strengths but assist each other at the same time.

Collaborations of more than two require a leader and at times the leader has to know when to follow another, or when to hold firm. Holding firm needs to have grounded reasons. All proposals need to be considered and be in the realm of the goal or purposefully enhance the chance of discovering what is of mutual benefit to the collaboration. They cannot be at the expense of another or detraction from the integrity of the collaborative process, or for an ego feed.

When the leader holds firm to a decision and willingly gives reasons as to why, when respected the collaborations move smoothly within the premise. Communication is key and the ability to discuss honestly is one the most valuable sources to the collaboration.

When holding firm is disrespected, competition ignites. This means those who feel their ideas are being rejected, take it as a rejection of themselves and track down the path of believing everything they have done should entitle them to get what they want, and reasoning can be lost on deaf ears. This will ignite an overt or covert retaliation as they will seek to prove that they can impact the goal originally collaborated for. Competition, jealousy and resentment destroy the ability to collaborate.

The leader and others must acknowledge the skills, creativity and support of all contributing to the collaboration. This can inspire more creativity. Collaboration is a shared event that each person brings their uniqueness to. It is an event that can allow the strengths of each person to shine and for all to feel the slipstream of that strength bringing them closer to the goal.

When the strength of another is envied or becomes something others despise, it creates an imbalance that makes it difficult to be creative. If the desire to control and harness others’ skills and achievements, becomes someone’s contribution to the collaboration, they become the source of upheaval. Laying complete claim over something and disregarding others input to steal the accolades, take control or positioning themselves as superior, dismantles the ability to collaborate.

Being blinded by the desire for power over others, invokes a competitive approach, which will cause others to compete and some to withdraw. If the person seeking power becomes disgruntled, the purpose and history of the collaboration become irrelevant and they seek to show themselves, they have power in other ways. They become judgemental and oppositional to everything. They undermine everything achieved and begin to look for ways to remain disgruntled. They accuse others of what they are doing and play mind games. They refuse to be honest about themselves and selfishly disengage.

The leader’s role is to listen but not succumb. It is to find merit in opinions and to seek the truth. It is not their job to appease emotional outbursts or run the gauntlet of another’s emotional immaturity. It is their job to be steadfast in reality and seek to uncover and resolve issues that jeopardise what the collaboration is about. They must provide opportunities for events to be discussed and have empathy for those in distress. However, if the disgruntled person is not forthcoming, and is unwilling to address the issues at hand the leader is powerless to find a mutual resolution. They must acknowledge the emotional virus that is undermining the collaborative process and, adapt and change those they collaborate with.

The leader must also accept that they too can sometimes lose perspective and be willing to acknowledge their own stumbles. They have to ensure their emotional reactions are not the virus and be sure they have calmly explored all possibilities. They cannot emotionally act out on the team and must lead by example. Although, they should remain focused on the goal.

When trust is eroded the leader must accept change and not cling to beliefs of what was or can be, and instead acknowledge what is now. Trusting each other in the collaboration is essential, because it is the foundation of working out solutions to problems or exploring into the unknown. Competition eliminates trust, because others become wary and fear being taken from and exploited. This causes creativity to dry out and repetition to take its place.

Competitors can become consumed with the idea that they are irreplaceable and over-inflate their importance. They may arrogantly believe the project hinges on their input, while disregarding all other contributors. They often compulsively seek to highlight the short-falls of others, honing in on mistakes while ignoring successes. They can become competitive with the leader and instead of working with, begin to make demands to secure their control over the collaboration. Some will hoard information, making themselves the go-to-person. They will deliberately withhold details so they can swoop in at the end the day and rescue those who were misinformed.

The leader must accept they are the leader, and the experience is just as important as the goal. They must accept some decisions will have unforeseen repercussions, and that you can be loyal, supportive and appreciative of the collaborator but you cannot manage those who have decided to be unmanageable. The leader must accept they are the pivotal point and the captain of the voyage, and acknowledge when to dock for others to depart.

Think of it similar to an old fashion maypole. The central pole is the leader who represents the goal. The leader’s job is to anchor the project, hold to the integrity of its original conception and to create the balance. Each person that is connected to the project is connected to the pole (leader), via the ribbon they bring or one that is supplied. When they all move in a symbiotic rhythm, respecting the integrity of what the collaboration is endeavouring to achieve, it becomes an enjoyable dance. Fun for all involved.

The ribbon of the collaborator can become closer to the pole if it is woven in a certain pattern or it can be used to hold distance from the pole, only moving in when required. The movement of the dancers (collaborators) determine how the pole is wrapped in ribbon. There can be individual partnerships contributing together (sharing a ribbon) and stay in one certain pattern as others weave, but all are contributing to the dance.

The pole is the highest point and with that comes the responsibility to see the furthest, the pole (leader) sees at times a slightly different horizon to the dancers. The pole is the pivotal point and sets up the playground. If the pole (leader) falls the dance is over. If the pole is not secure it is dangerous for all. If the pole gets cut down and yet still stands there will be less scope to dance in. It is important that the pole and the ribbon dancers recognise that both are contributing to the dance.

The maypole is a fertility rite that brings union, danced in spring (time of a new adventure) and is for the purpose of benefiting all who dance. If you choose to be part of the dance, dance with integrity. If you are the pole, be strong, support the dancers and retain your integrity.