Entries by Lorraine Nilon

The True Value of Mateship

2 minute read… Mateship is a privilege and a joy to have!  It is the next level up from friends, they are loved ones. These are the special people we allow and look for in our inner sanctum. Only the people in our lives that we have an intimate connection with have access to our […]

Intuition – A brief overview

1 minute read… We are all intuitive souls, we can feel, sense and hear truth. Our souls naturally resonate with truth, and intuition is the recognition of that resonance. Intuition is an internal signal telling us to be aware of ourselves, take notice of reality and be open to exploring. Working with our intuition does not […]

Spiritual Journaling

2.30 minute read… The brilliant thing about journaling is there is no right or wrong way to do it. You can write as little or as much as you want. All of my books have questions, prompts to draw your attention, so you can focus on whatever it ignites. Peppered throughout the books are exercises, […]


2 minute read… Are you destined to explore the unknown wilderness of your soul? Spiritual explorers are born with an inner knowing that they have something to do this lifetime! Many spiritualists feel the urge to leave ‘no-rock-unturned’. This means they will do all they can to achieve what they were born to do. They […]

Insight & Awareness Self-Help Books

3.40 minute read… Insight & Awareness books do not sit comfortably in the tradition of ‘self-help’ books. If you are only driven by achieving an outcome, fixated on “your wants”, seeking to manifest your will, or on the chase to control life, these books will irritate you. They are not manuals that tell you to […]

Tips for how to read ‘Your Insight and Awareness Book’

1.30 minute read… “A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us […]

What do you mean by ‘the truth of who we are’- authenticity?

This is a really good question. Your soul is the truth of who you are.

I use this term a lot and what it means is to have your thoughts, actions, words and feelings all in tune, expressing the authenticity of your soul. This doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to share your inner thoughts with others, but you are aware and know why you want to keep your awareness private. You are also mindful of the reasons behind the decisions you make. Understanding you are a soul requires you to acknowledge and deal with whatever is camouflaging your authentic self.

What is the most important part of spirituality?

1 minute read… This week I was asked, ” What I thought was the most important part of spirituality?” This is an interesting question! This was my answer, however there is no one answer and each of us prioritise different things at different time; it is dependent on our current situation. We can philosophise about […]

Collaboration vs Competition

5 minute read… Collaborations are balancing acts and ones that require all contributors to be respectful and appreciative of the journey collaboration always creates.   Collaboration is respectfully working together to achieve a goal or to explore something of mutual importance. Partnerships require respect for each other and a high level of communication, so each […]