
025 – Amanda Quick-Author of The Sex Trafficker’s Wife

What Happens When the Unthinkable Occurs? 

Amanda Quick-Author of The Sex Trafficker’s Wife: A Story of Truth, Faith, and Trust in Self

Join Amanda and I as we discuss – How one night changed her world.
You hear others recounts of their life events and wonder how you would react and Amanda’s story is one of those.
She was a loving housewife. He was a hard-working husband. Together they shared three precious boys. Then she found herself caught up by the darkest most insidious corners of the criminal world of using sex trafficked minors. Her husband, the man she loved and the father of her children, was a criminal. He got caught in a sting and she was confronted with the reality that he was and is a pedophile who paid to have sex with minors.
Her reaction may shock you! BUT trauma is hard to deal with and Amanda courageously tells it like it is!
Amanda’s Book: The Sex Trafficker’s Wife:


Amanda quicks book cover - lighting scence

phot of amanda Quick author with quote from Lorraine Nilon's spiritual podcast

Lorraine Information

You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.

Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:

Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 022 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.

We would love to hear your Aha moments – A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews

024 – AJ Parr – Author of Stairway to Heaven-25 Near Death Experiences

What Awaits Us Once This Life Ends? 

Author of Stairway to Heaven: 25 Near-Death Experiences About Encounters with God, Jesus, and Paradise- AJ Parr has interviewed many people who have had Near Death experiences – 25 of which he has put in his book. he has researched this topic and continues to do so. 

Join AJ Parr and Lorraine as AJ explains what he has learnt from his journalistic approach to near-death experiences (NDE).
What has AJ discovered while interviewing and researching those who have died briefly and came back with memories of the other side.
AJ reveal what caused him to transform the way he approaches life – What consistent recount of NDE changed AJ’s life? 
AJ is a holistic spiritual journalist and comparative religion researcher with a lifelong interest and experience in ancient philosophical schools.
(Amazon)AJ’s Book: Stairway to Heaven: 25 Near-Death Experiences.



Lorraine Information

You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.

Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:

Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 022 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.

We would love to hear your Aha moments – A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews

023 – Scott Allan – Author of Do the Hard Things First, Fail big and many more….

Redefining Success.

Join Scott and Lorraine as they discuss the importance of how we live and what we class as success. 
What is success?

Isn’t it important to be ourselves and to live a life of fulfillment? 

Scott message is to never give up too easily when life’s difficulties get in the way of the life we want to create.  
Why are we self-defeating? An interesting conversation. 

Scott is passionate about “transforming ten million lives…one life at a time.”

With his books published in 6 languages, and over 200,000 copies sold worldwide, Scott Allan is on a mission to transform the human potential.

Scott is the bestselling author of Fail Big, Relaunch Your Life, and Do the Hard Things First. As a former corporate business trainer in Japan, and Transformational Success Strategist, he has invested over 10,000 hours of practice and research into the areas of confidence development and mindset mastery training.

With an unrelenting passion for teaching, building critical life skills, and inspiring people around the world to take charge of their lives, he is committed to a path of constant and never-ending self-improvement.

You can contact Scott Allan for podcasting and speaking engagements at

Scott’s Book: Do the Hard Things First: How to Win Over Procrastination and Master the Habit of Doing Difficult Work .



Lorraine Information

You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.

Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:

Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 022 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.

We would love to hear your Aha moments – A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews

022 – Debbie Mirza – Author of The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist

Unveiling the Truth Beneath the Confusion and Evolving.

Join Debbie and Lorraine as they discuss the emotional impact covert passive aggressive narcissist create. Recovering from these crazy making relationships requires good information and Debbie empathically explains some insights into the recovery process.

Narcissistic abuse and any type of toxic relationship affects us mentally, emotionally, physically, and psychologically. Part of the problem is none of it makes a lot of sense so confusion reigns.  An inner judgement takes hold and it  morphs into harmful self-beliefs causes many to experience low self-esteem, a feeling of hopelessness and crippling self-doubt.

They feel shattered, confused, depressed, anxious, and overwhelmed with emotions. Symptoms of complex PTSD are common, as well as many types of chronic illness. These relationships can bring us to the depths of despair.

Good information and knowing others have healed is empowering!

Healing after narcissistic abuse is possible, Debbie’s book and insights during the podcast are comforting and inspiring.

Fascinating conversation and personally love Debbie’s answer to the Podcast Question of “What does humanity need to acknowledge and understand for us to evolve?”

What Does Humanity Need to Acknowledge and Understand to Evolve?

We need to acknowledge and understand that so much of the way the world is currently set up is designed to make us feel disempowered and confused and keep us in a state of inner and outer chaos.

We need to realize that this is not how we are meant to live. This is not how we are designed to experience life.

We are designed to feel joy, to experience love, and to live in harmony within ourselves, with each other, and the planet we live on.

We must remember this in order to evolve individually and as a collective.

We live our lives trying to adjust, conform, and fit into the world we live in, and it just keeps us perpetuating the system we currently have.

These relationships with covert narcissists are really a microcosm of what we are currently experiencing, living life on this planet. And just like in these relationships, we don’t see the covert abuse. We get used to the crumbs of kind words we experience here and there and learn to adjust. Over time we forget our worth and who we really are and accept a life of demeaning behavior because we learn that is all we are worthy of receiving and experiencing in life.

In order to evolve we first need to acknowledge this is the situation we are in. We need to recognize this is not our fault and has nothing to do with who we are. The truth is we are magnificent, and we are made for so much more. There is nothing wrong with us. We are living in a system that is emotionally and physically draining and destructive. We are fed so many covert lies about ourselves, our worth, and how life is supposed to be lived.

We need to open our eyes to the lies and remember the truth we hold deep inside us. The truth of how life is meant to be lived. How we are designed to feel inside ourselves and with each other.

The more we each decide to step out of this box we’ve been put in and see the stunning creation we are, and treat ourselves with dignity, respect, and the love we are meant to experience, then the tides will begin to turn. This will have a ripple effect, and over time we will evolve into a planet that remembers who we are and how life is supposed to be lived.

Written by Debbie Mirza.

Debbie’s book: The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist (amazon)

Connect with Debbie  Website:


Debbie Mirza and Lorraine nilon photes

Lorraine Information

You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.

Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:

Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 022 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.

We would love to hear your Aha moments – A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews

Episode 021 – Sam Torode — Author of Living from the Soul: The 7 Spiritual Principles of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

 Timeless Concepts That Your Soul Knows.

Find out which of the principles you are naturally of and living.
Join Sam and I as we discuss The Keys to an Inspired Life. This is an exploration into the 7 Spiritual Principles of Ralph Waldo Emerson.
  1. Trust Yourself – All that you need for growth and guidance in life is already present inside you.
  2. As You Sow, You Will Reap – Your thoughts and actions shape your character, and your character determines your destiny.
  3. Nothing Outside You Can Harm You Circumstances and events don’t matter as much as what you do with them.
  4. The Universe Is Inside You The world around you is a reflection of the world within you.
  5. Identify with the Infinite Center your identity on the soul and your life’s purpose will unfold.
  6. Live in the Present The present moment is your point of power. Eternity is now.
  7. Seek God Within The highest revelation is the divinity of the soul.
Sam’s Book: Living from the Soul: (Amazon)
man standing near a waterfall - cover of living soul by Sam Torode
Sam Torode photo with quote
Lorraine Information 
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine
More information about Lorraine @
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 013 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews –…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!


Episode 020 –Yianni Johns – World-wide exhibited artist

Embracing the Freedom of Self-Expression.  

Yianni was awarded an Australia Day Award in 2010 for services to “Arts and Culture.”


Join Lorraine Nilon and Yianni Johns Australian Artist as they discuss the value of self-expression. Yianni enjoys supporting artists finding their way to be unapologetic express their talents and self-awareness. He has been artist for many decades and has loved every moment of the process.
Yianni  talks of the advice from his father and how it shaped his life experience.  He explains the path of accepting his journey of how his art once classed as a hobby while it coursed  through his veins became he way of life. Freedom to be himself! 
With over 80 exhibitions including Solos and group shows. He exhibited His paintings in Montreal Canada, Chelsea in New York and Beijing China. His Art was projected on the giant electronic billboards in Times Square New York in 2012 and 2014. He was an arts reporter for ABC Radio Central Coast for 9 years between 2004 and 2013.
Check out Yianni’s art :
photo of Yianni Johns with quote
Yianni Johns photo with quote
Lorraine Information 
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine
More information about Lorraine @
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 013 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews –…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!

Episode 019 –Linda Vincent – Energy Healer with a background in community services-homelessness and domestic violence.

From Social Issues to Inner Issues. 

Join Lorraine Nilon and Australian Linda Vincent as they discuss the importance of being socially aware of the issues of domestic violence and homelessness. Self-responsibility becomes a theme and the desire to be the change that helps the next generation.
At the end of the episode is the Self-Responsibility Story an excerpt from Spirituality, Evolution and Awakened Consciousness.
Photo of Linda Vincent and quote
Lorraine nilon photo and quote
Lorraine Information 
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine
More information about Lorraine @
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 013 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews –…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!

Episode 018 –Kiden Jonathan-Canadian Author of Resilience: The journey of self-discovery.

From Refugee, Domestic Violence to Rebuilding a Life with Resilience.

Join Lorraine Nilon and Kiden Johathan an Author and Public Speaker who has survived giving birth to her first child in Sudan as bombs began to fall as they discuss the value of resilience. 
Running and uncertainty became Kiden’s normal. Her journey of self-discovery led her through civil war, poverty while experiencing domestic violence. Living as a refugee in Kenya and Uganda for seven years, she finally reached the safety of Canada but safe is not how she felt.  
Kiden Jonathan author
Resilience book cover with bird flying
Lorraine Information 
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine
More information about Lorraine @
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 013 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews –…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!

Episode 017 –Chasta Hamilton – American Author of Handle the Horrible: Change. Triage. Joy.

 Recognizing what is causing harm and Reinventing new approaches.

CEO of Stage Door Dance Productions.
Join Lorraine Nilon and Chasta Hamilton, an Arts Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker who is the “Queen of Pivots, and Not Just Turns” as they discuss recognizing what causes harm in competition that no longer respect the children or adults performing. Chasta explains the reasons and the experiences of taking a new approach to an established expectation. 
Empowering and inspiring conversation as the discuss the events that shape their ideals and their respect for people shining in their own unique, individual ways.
Instagram: @chastahamilton
Chasta Hamiliton photo with quote
Chasta’s Book:
Handle the Horrible: Change. Triage. Joy.
Handle the Horrible book cover - multi-colour
Lorraine Information 
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine
More information about Lorraine @
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 013 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews –…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!

Episode 016 – Conversation with Frank King-Comedian and 8x TEDx Speaker on Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness.

Start the Conversation, Break the Silence and Break the Stigma. We can make a difference!

Trigger Warning – Suicide discussed.
Join Lorraine Nilon and Frank King, Suicide Prevention Speaker and a writer for The Tonight Show for 20 years as the have a conversation about breaking the silence and debunking the stigma of suicide.
He’s fought a lifetime battle with Depression and Chronic Suicidality, turning that long dark journey into 8 TEDx Talks and insights on Mental Health Awareness (the only other person who has that many TEDx Talks is…Bill Gates).
Depression and suicide run in his family. He’s thought about killing himself more times than he can count. He’s come close enough to ending his life that he can tell you what the barrel. of his gun tastes like.
He uses his life lessons to start the conversation giving people permission to give voice to their feelings and experiences.
He believes that where there is humor there is hope, where there is laughter there is life, nobody dies laughing.
Australia: If you’re in crisis or feeling unsafe, please call 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14   Beyond blue counsellor service 1300 224636
USA:  988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
photo of Frank King Comedian - with quote suicide prevention
Frank Kings Book : (Amazon)
Frank king book cover
Lorraine Information 
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine
More information about Lorraine @
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 013 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews –…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!