Episode 019 –Linda Vincent – Energy Healer with a background in community services-homelessness and domestic violence.

From Social Issues to Inner Issues. 

Join Lorraine Nilon and Australian Linda Vincent as they discuss the importance of being socially aware of the issues of domestic violence and homelessness. Self-responsibility becomes a theme and the desire to be the change that helps the next generation.
At the end of the episode is the Self-Responsibility Story an excerpt from Spirituality, Evolution and Awakened Consciousness.
Photo of Linda Vincent and quote
Lorraine nilon photo and quote
Lorraine Information 
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine https://calendly.com/lorrainenilon/60min
More information about Lorraine @  Lorrainenilon.com.au
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 013 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews – https://form.jotform.com/Insight…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!

Episode 018 –Kiden Jonathan-Canadian Author of Resilience: The journey of self-discovery.

From Refugee, Domestic Violence to Rebuilding a Life with Resilience.

Join Lorraine Nilon and Kiden Johathan an Author and Public Speaker who has survived giving birth to her first child in Sudan as bombs began to fall as they discuss the value of resilience. 
Running and uncertainty became Kiden’s normal. Her journey of self-discovery led her through civil war, poverty while experiencing domestic violence. Living as a refugee in Kenya and Uganda for seven years, she finally reached the safety of Canada but safe is not how she felt.  
Kiden Jonathan author
Resilience book cover with bird flying
Lorraine Information 
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine https://calendly.com/lorrainenilon/60min
More information about Lorraine @  Lorrainenilon.com.au
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 013 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews – https://form.jotform.com/Insight…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!

Episode 017 –Chasta Hamilton – American Author of Handle the Horrible: Change. Triage. Joy.

 Recognizing what is causing harm and Reinventing new approaches.

CEO of Stage Door Dance Productions.
Join Lorraine Nilon and Chasta Hamilton, an Arts Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker who is the “Queen of Pivots, and Not Just Turns” as they discuss recognizing what causes harm in competition that no longer respect the children or adults performing. Chasta explains the reasons and the experiences of taking a new approach to an established expectation. 
Empowering and inspiring conversation as the discuss the events that shape their ideals and their respect for people shining in their own unique, individual ways. 
Instagram: @chastahamilton
Chasta Hamiliton photo with quote
Chasta’s Book:
Handle the Horrible: Change. Triage. Joy.
Handle the Horrible book cover - multi-colour
Lorraine Information 
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine https://calendly.com/lorrainenilon/60min
More information about Lorraine @  Lorrainenilon.com.au
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 013 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews – https://form.jotform.com/Insight…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!

Episode 016 – Conversation with Frank King-Comedian and 8x TEDx Speaker on Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness.

Start the Conversation, Break the Silence and Break the Stigma. We can make a difference!

Trigger Warning – Suicide discussed.
Join Lorraine Nilon and Frank King, Suicide Prevention Speaker and a writer for The Tonight Show for 20 years as the have a conversation about breaking the silence and debunking the stigma of suicide.
He’s fought a lifetime battle with Depression and Chronic Suicidality, turning that long dark journey into 8 TEDx Talks and insights on Mental Health Awareness (the only other person who has that many TEDx Talks is…Bill Gates).
Depression and suicide run in his family. He’s thought about killing himself more times than he can count. He’s come close enough to ending his life that he can tell you what the barrel. of his gun tastes like.
He uses his life lessons to start the conversation giving people permission to give voice to their feelings and experiences.
He believes that where there is humor there is hope, where there is laughter there is life, nobody dies laughing.
Australia: If you’re in crisis or feeling unsafe, please call 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14
https://www.beyondblue.org.au/   Beyond blue counsellor service 1300 224636
USA:  988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
photo of Frank King Comedian - with quote suicide prevention
Frank Kings Book : (Amazon)  https://geni.us/gutsgrit
Frank king book cover
Lorraine Information 
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine https://calendly.com/lorrainenilon/60min
More information about Lorraine @  Lorrainenilon.com.au
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 013 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews – https://form.jotform.com/Insight…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!

Episode 015 – Conversation with Dr Rodney King – Known as Coach – PhD-Mindful-Embodied Leadership, Human Animal Philosopher, Modern Primitivist & Martial Arts Coach

Respecting the Wildness Within and Embrace Being an Outlier.

What is the real reason why so many people feel fragmented, disconnected, and are struggling with mental health. Coach and I discuss this and so much more…
Contact Dr Rodney King: 
Coaching Service @ www.drrodneyking.com
Photo of Dr Rodney King with resilience quote
Photo of Dr Rodney King with resilience quote
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine https://calendly.com/lorrainenilon/60min
More information about Lorraine @  Lorrainenilon.com.au
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 013 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews – https://form.jotform.com/Insight…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!

Episode 014 – Conversation with Lilitu Babalon – A Shamanic Witch

Know Your Reasons and Forget Platitudes.

Lilitu’s down to earth approach may surprise you. Join us as we discuss the importance of intention and Lil explains the virtues of gossip (not malicious gossip but the way we warn each other of danger.)
photo of Lilitu Babalon and quote
Photo and quote from Lilitu Babalon
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine https://calendly.com/lorrainenilon/60min
More information about Lorraine @  Lorrainenilon.com.au
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 013 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews – https://form.jotform.com/Insight…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!

Episode 013 – Conversation with Toni Kief – American author Toni Kief – *More than a footnote: Women neglected by history

It started with tears, then a life-changing realization!

What a beautiful way to spend the lock down writing a book that celebrates women and I think the book title sums it up brilliantly:
Looking for the book: (Amazon)  https://geni.us/morethanafootnote
Toni explains some of the life events that shaped who she is today. Inspiring and a lesson in how little decisions create the paths we walk. 
Toni Kief Book cover
photo of Toni Kief and quote\
phot of Toni Kief amaerica author
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine https://calendly.com/lorrainenilon/60min
More information about Lorraine @  Lorrainenilon.com.au
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 013 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews – https://form.jotform.com/Insight…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!

Episode 012 – Conversation with Ramon Wilson – Founder of Spirit Trails – Energy Healer and Spiritual mentor

From Emotional Exhaustion and Dark Depression to Stepping onto a Self-Empowering Trail while Empowering Others.

Ramon’s story is one of him coming out of the dark to recognize that there was a path beckoning him and I am personally so happy that he didn’t ignore his inner awareness.
It was an honor to hear his story and the fascinating coincidence that made him realize what he did truly value.
Contact Ramon: 
Phot of Ramon Wilson- spirit Trails
Photo Of Ramon Wilson- Sprit trails
Photo Lorraine Nilon
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine https://calendly.com/lorrainenilon/60min
More information about Lorraine @  Lorrainenilon.com.au
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 012 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews – https://form.jotform.com/Insight…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!

Episode 011 – Conversation with Kieron Morgan – A healer, alchemist and Brother of Dragons

Modern Issues Dealt with Old Healing Ways!

Kieron Morgan has over 20 years’ experience on the path of healing through the old ways.
His roots are planted in the Old Ways with a deep love of Mother Earth, Elementals and Magic, but his head is in the stars, also working with Ascended Masters, Angels and his beloved Dragon collective; all under the guidance of the Master Merlin, my Father in Spirit.
This is a new conversation for me but I found Kieron to be very grounded and intriguing.  
Contact details for Kieron: 
fb @brotherofdragons
Insta @thebrotherofdragons
Photo of Kieron Morgan with a quote
Kieron Morgan- Brother of Dragons photo and quote about humanity
Lorraine Nilon photo with quote about fear
You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.
Book a personal session with Lorraine https://calendly.com/lorrainenilon/60min
More information about Lorraine @  Lorrainenilon.com.au
Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:
Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 011 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.
A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews – https://form.jotform.com/Insight…/words-of-wisdom-reviews-
We would love to hear your Aha moments!!

Episode 010 – Conversation with Dan Hegerich – 6 x Cancer Survivor, Heroic Life and Wellness Coach

Inspirationally Questioning the Meaning of Wellbeing.

Dan is a high energy guy, full of life and he talks about how cancer changed him and what he now considers as important.
Dan’s experience with cancer and a painful divorce brought him to a transformational state and he had to address the mud and murky waters of his mind; he has been an inspiration to many and still progresses on his journey to grow towards the light of his true nature.  He has three general passions to create, participate, and share in the beauty of the world around him, which he see through the filters of beauty, intelligence, and compassion.
Lorraine Nilon photo and quote
Dan Hegerich photo and quote