Ever wondered why?
Childhood trauma in adults, has become so prevalent that it is a silent epidemic and the lasting scars are difficult to heal. This extraordinarily important book contains valuable insights into the thought processes and emotional impact the abused contend with daily.
Many are plagued with questions they fear will never be answered; the top of the list is ‘Why, Me? Will I always be haunted by emotional flashbacks?’ These and many more questions are answered in this book.
Groundbreaking in its approach; it is truly an exploration into the reality of childhood neglect and sexual abuse. It provides a much-needed soul perspective that has the power to change lives, removing mind-set obstacles that are part of the abuse, not the person.
So, if you’re seeking answers to your questions or want to be informed, then this is a book for you! It is an invaluable resource for victims, survivors or thrivers of any type of abuse and child protection advocates.
Abuse is never deserved.
It is an exploitation of innocence and physical disadvantage,
which is perceived as an opportunity by the abuser.
Lorraine Nilon –
I found your book Breaking Free from the Chain of Silence educational.
Its a great resource book and teaching tool to introduce to teachers in schools, and university.
We need to first educate the teachers on how to teach their students and prepare them for what is out there, your book is a platform for others to understand how prevalent and widespread denial about such issues as child rape and the long term health issues survivors face has become in our world.
It’s my honest opinion of the book, I hope this helps you.
Kind Regards
Cristina Magnante- Cristina House of Hope-Corrimal NSW Australia
Author of Secrets of a Broken Heart.
Lorraine Nilon –
Regarding your book Breaking Free.
I am the one who has read the most!
If I may give you my first impressions. YOU ARE SO SPOT ON!
I am reading the book from an Observer’s point of view. The ripple effect person, first ripple next to the victim. A spouse.
The way the book makes me feel – I am aching for my spouse – but it also opens my understanding to a depth I have never felt before. I also am aware not to read too much at once; it is too hard to imagine what he must have gone through.
I LOVE the chapter on ENERGETIC System. The True Source Divine Origin Consciousness concept is so poignant.
I LOVE it when you speak of soul. Soul can heal!!
I LOVE the diagram on page 17.
Lorraine Nilon –
Author Lorraine Nilon has written the book “Breaking Free From the Chains of Silence” and I highly recommend it.
This is a highly sensitive topic and I wanted to share this incredible resource with those who have suffered abuse or know someone who has. Natalee Finn
Lorraine Nilon –
Let me start off by saying I am so impressed with your skills as a writer and your compassion as an adult. Your topic is one that if ever experienced leaves a lasting scar that is hard to cover.
The way you wrote this book with an in-depth understanding is remarkable. I fully support your book and I feel that it has the power to change a person’s life. Also, please extend to the illustrator that their drawings brought this book alive. Suzie