7 Essential Keys for Honest Self-Reflection Course Online.

Delve into an enriching personal transformation through self-reflection!

In times of struggle and the expansion of self-awareness, self-reflection skills are crucial!

Have you ever felt powerless over your own emotions, thoughts and behaviors?

Clarity is the result of Honest Self-Reflection! 

Do you yearn to understand yourself and experience personal transformation through self-discovery?

Self-Reflection is Key!

Self-help author Lorraine Nilon photo on an image of a man looking out of a window self-reflection. With contact details for Self-Reflection course online-Personal Transformation through self-discovery

Self-Reflection and Self-Improvement Online Course

It takes courage to be brave enough to recognize life is asking us to turn inwards, to be introspective. And it is easier to do it while guided.

Sometimes the hardest part of self-reflection is finding a direction to steer your attention.

This is a fun and dynamic journey dedicated to personal transformation through self-discovery.

Uncover the layers of your true self, nurture personal growth, and cultivate a more profound self-awareness.

The 7 Essential Key for Honest Self-Reflection course online!

Don’t be shy – Guarantee you’ll love it!

Online course comes with:

Happy lady doing Lorraine Nilon's 7 Essential Keys for Honest self-reflection course online. Self-awareness exercises and rechniques
Discount at checkout with code- websitefriend – (case sensitive.)


Self-reflection is a form of self-care and self-respect, and you are so worth it!

Many of us struggle to invest in ourselves but we are the pivotal point in our lives! It is important to understand ourselves and self-reflection is how we do it!

We can resolve the adopted negative self-beliefs; we were not born with confusion, hurt or low self-esteem—we were born with potential, an inner knowing and a heart full love to give.

Often you already know the answers you seek, and through self-awareness exercises and techniques you find it and embrace the wisdom of your own knowing.

Self-reflection is not about fixing yourself, it is a way of processing your experiences and understanding your reactions.

Self-reflection course online review -Leanne McIntyre Burnes photo and testimonial. Smiling!

This is for you if… you have hit that stage in your life where you want to engage in meaningful self-awareness and development.

If you’re seeking spiritual and emotional growth and are ready to transform the inner barriers to embracing your true self.

  • Spiritual growth is knowing who you are and to operate from your true essences and values.
  • Emotional growth is to understand your emotional triggers and knowing how to process and respond to them.

If you feel a resonance with the importance of self-reflection and self-improvement, don’t miss the opportunity to explore yourself and life experiences. 

people enjoying Lorraine Nilon's Self- reflection Course Online: laughing and smiling at their computers!

Personal Transformation through Self-Discovery!

This self-reflection course online is for you; it is all about you and you deserve your own attention! It is an opportunity to Reconnect, Recover and Rejuvenate!

Have you got to a stage in your life where you:

  • know you are ready to for growth?
  • are curious to know more about yourself?
  • drawn to this self-discovery online adventures?
  • want to know how you process life events, thoughts and emotions?

This is not for you if… you are uninterested in self-exploration, or tapping into your inner wisdom.

This course requires some effort and a willingness to be honest with yourself, also a thirst for Aha moments. Look out! There are plenty of them coming your way during this self-reflection and self-improvement course online adventure.

people watching their computers smiling and laughing. Self-help author Lorraine Nilon- self-reflection course online is playing on the computers.

Self-Reflection and Self-Improvement Course online!


The 7 Essential Keys to Honest Self-Reflection course online creates the space for you to be REAL, OPEN and HONEST. 

You are worth investing in, and the keys take you on an introspective self-discovery journey that results in you:

  • Nurturing your relationship with yourself and others. 
  • Improving your emotional resilience, self-awareness and confidence.
  • Putting life experiences into perspective, unveiling the life lessons and healing.
  • Setting strong personal boundaries.
  • Experiencing personal growth, feeling free, knowing your soul and much more…

    People of all cultures laughing at their laptops while doing the self-reflection course online- host Lorraine Nilon

    Personal transformation through self-discovery and self-reflection.

    THERE IS NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT to learn more about you!

What life skills do I get if I do this course?
While you are enjoying the course, and becoming more self-reflective, you are also improving your ability to dissect life events, beliefs and fears.
You can then use this awareness to make informed decisions instead of being emotionally reactive.

Lorraine Nilon Self-Reflection course online testimonial -photo of Sam Houston

This course will improve your ability:
  • To have greater discernment which is the ability to recognise the difference between truth and bullshit.
  • To be resilient which is the ability to be knocked down and get up stronger.
  • To be real which is the ability to be truthful about your awareness, reality and your feelings.
  • To be self-accepting which is the ability to embrace who you are while knowing you are an evolving being. Who you are today may differ in the future (every minute in front of us is the future, change can happen rapidly.)
    Review of Lorraine Nilon Self-reflection course online- lady smiling with fade landscape.

    Personal transformation through self-discovery!

    What improvements can I expect?
    • Perspective: You’ll find meaning in life’s challenges rather than seeing yourself as a victim.​ You’ll use your inner wisdom instead of worrying about what other’s think!
    • ​Emotional Awareness: You’ll acknowledge your feelings and know why you feel this way. This helps you understand the feelings of others better because you’re more in tune with their own inner self. You’ll have increased patience, empathy and confidence.
    • Perseverance: You’ll give yourself grace and as you work toward outward goals or inner development , you’ll be more action-oriented. You’ll learn to trust in the process and not give up. You’ll gain skills that you can apply when facing life’s challenges.
    • Improved sense of humour: The more you understand yourself and the flow of life, the more you’ll laugh.
    • Stronger spiritual connection to your soul: You won’t be just going through the motions or pretending–acting out an image, you’ll be living the evolutionary process. (Know thy self means to know your soul.)

      Young lady with a camera smiling with faded mountain background: Review for Self-reflection course online! Self-help Lorraine Nilon

      Self-Awareness Exercises and Techniques!

    We know when we are ready broaden our self-awareness.

    Self-reflection is an undervalued tool! It is a life skill that taps you to your own wisdom.

    The big question is do you want the tools, that help you process your emotions, decode your negative self-beliefs and let you live authentically? 

    Author Lorraine Nilon: Self-reflection course online- review.

     Reasons why you would love this course!

    • Does your inner narrative (mind-chatter) constantly put you down? Honest Self-reflection enables you to change your narrative! You’ll debunk emotional thinking with your deep understanding of yourself.
    • Calming a frantic mind and soothing the feelings of being overwhelmed often reveals life lessons that provide the opportunity for transformational shifts.
    • Healing our inner wounds transforms our lives.
    • Understanding yourself is key to resolving your past, self-doubt and the inner emotional bully. Don’t let these hold you back, learn how to use your inner wisdom to discover freedom.
    • Reclaim your ability to adapt to the reality of your life and ditch the self-doubt and corrupted self-beliefs that deprive you of knowing yourself.
    • Emotional resilience is knowing how to anchor to the strength within and adapt to reality. It is facing adversity without carrying the emotional pain, resentment, fear and confusion to your next life event.
    • Emotional resilience is the result of learning from life. Improving your ability to be self-reflective is a pathway to happiness and success.
    Gaining greater self-awareness is a exciting path to walk.

Are you ready to improve the life skill of self-reflection and broaden your self-awareness! 

Let’s use Self-Awareness Exercises and techniques to tap into your inner wisdom?

The 7 Essential Keys for HONEST SELF-REFLECTION  is an exciting inner journey waiting for you to start!  

Photo of Lorraine Nilon Australian self-help Author. With laptop in background showing her Self-Reflection course, plus a ebook copy of her book: Spirituality, Evolution and Awakened consciousness.

Personal Transformation through Self-Discovery!

Self-paced self-reflection course online: 7 Essential Keys for HONEST SELF-REFLECTION

Use the 7 keys to process your emotions, decode your self-beliefs and as tools to live more authentically. This course is a cross between an educational course and friendly podcast. You are given concept to explore, challenged with guiding self-reflection questions, and then enjoy time out sitting back and listening to a podcast of how others reacted to the teachings and self-reflection techniques and exercises.

 $497 or $200 discount WITH CODE- websitefriend (case sensitive): $297

Includes downloadable PDF workbook


  • You automatically become a VIP and receive discounted prices for future online courses.
  • ebook – Spirituality, Evolution and Awakened Consciousness  (link to ebook sent within 24hrs of purchase.)

Wisdom is the prize of self-reflection.

What People Are Saying…

Spiritual teacher is a way to discovery best version of yourself- Lorraine Nilon with compass surrounded by light in background.

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YouTube Logo with photo of Lorraine Nilon. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - Podcast and Journal Prompts!

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality – Youtube Channel Podcast plus Journaling Prompts.

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    Resolution of your unresolved emotions and evolution of your soul occurs when curiosity meets clarity.