What is a Soul Intuitive®?

Diving into the depths of what I do can be a bit puzzling for others. As a soul-intuitive®, many have referred to me as an intuitive soul coach. I connect with souls, read energy, and map it out. It’s simpler than it sounds—we all intuitively read energy!

My specialty lies in interpreting unresolved emotions, decoding soul lessons and coaching individuals to embrace the meaningful opportunities woven into their life events, emotions, and inner awareness signals.

Black and White photo of Soul-Intuitive Lorraine Nilon. Image of a person's head with energy orbs around it

Clients determine the agenda, making each session a fascinating journey. Even for me, the process is unpredictable—I never know what each session will reveal or where we’ll conclude from the initial starting point.

The information unfolds organically, adding to the intrigue of the experience. It’s an exploration guided by what clients can handle in the moment. While it may be uncomfortable initially for some, they process it gradually over time. The reading evolves, much like gathering a seed, gaining clarity as life events unfold.

I impartially observe the diverse aspects the soul system without judgment. We’re born with a soul purpose, and intuitively know resolving what is stored within our shadow frees us from limited self-perception.

Black and White photo of Soul-Intuitive Lorraine Nilon. Image of a person's aura and the complexities of emotional patterned energy

I can map what veils the soul, but healing and expanding awareness are the individual tasks. As a soul-intuitive®, I provide information, bridging gaps for resonance with truth.

With all exploration is occasionally necessary as we piece things together, with individuals often teetering on the brink of their own “A-ha moment,” discovering the missing piece.


Clairsentience is an intuitive ability to sense and feel subtle energies, emotions, or vibrations beyond the scope of the physical senses.

Clairsentient enables me to gather information through emotions, providing insights into unseen dimensions and energies. All energy has a signature, and I read, track and explore the vibration or frequency of the signature.

Developing intuition is within reach for all through self-reflection, truth-seeking, soul-searching, and contemplation of concepts.

A female head with energy and spiral patterns of color surrounding her plus photo of Lorraine Nilon-Intuitive reading

While working with another, I connect intuitively with their soul’s consciousness, without attempting to steer it. This creates an opportunity for their soul to communicate significant information, enhancing their understanding of the truth of their reality.

 I unravel the intention behind the energy we generate or experience.

As a soul-intuitive® all my senses work together-innately hear, see, feel and intuit the consciousness of other souls.


I communicate and intuitively read energy from many sources.

Depending on the present moment experience, it could be from:

  • Another person’s consciousness.
  • My own consciousness.
  • The collective consciousness, which is our origins of truth.
  • The residue of energy left behind after an experience or event; either the residual energy of the frequency of truth, or the vibrations of unconscious energy.
  • The dynamics of reality: past, present, or the potential future ramifications of choices made.
  • A crossed-over soul who is the purity of their soul unified with the origins of truth, unencumbered by any unresolved emotions and unconscious intent.
  • A lost soul who has rejected returning to the origins of truth and is stuck on Earth, without a physical body, and still encumbered with their unresolved emotions.
  • The vibrational energy of a person’s unconsciousness.
  • The undercurrents of energy in the words we speak.
  • The collective unconscious energy of the mass energy of mankind.
  • Snapshots of past lives. These only occur for me when it is relevant to a person’s understanding.

What is a soul’s consciousness?

The truth of who we are at the core of our being.

A soul’s consciousness is:

  • The eternalness of who we are
  • Our authenticity, uniqueness and exquisiteness
  • Our essence, which is multi-strands of truth energy (core essences) that define the unique frequency of who we individually are.
  • Our natural self
  • Our spirit
  • Our life force

What is a soul’s unconsciousness? 

Our carried emotional baggage – Shadow Self.

A soul’s unconsciousness:

  • Our storehouse of unresolved emotions
  • The ways in which we deny truth.
  • Our long-held fears and embedded beliefs.
  • The structures we use to sabotage ourselves.
  • The energy we create that is not of the frequency of truth.
  • Our carried unresolved emotions from this life and from previous lives.
  • The energy we create while separated from the truth of who we naturally are.

I was asked these questions “What are you an expert in?” and “Please explain what it is you do!” Brilliant questions!Illustration from one of Lorraine Nilon's books- A lady full of spiritual questions

I re-ignite curiosity in others about their soul’s purpose.

Evolving is part of all of our life purpose.

I assist individuals feeling lost and devalued, reminding them that beneath fears, beliefs of not being good enough, and self-doubt lies an exquisite soul. With the intuitive privilege of sensing the beauty within, I guide those seeking self-awareness and soul connection.

Exploring and explaining the significance of authenticity is my passion, and I love helping others reconnect with their true selves. Witnessing meaningful personal transformation unfold is an honor.

For spiritually weary individuals stuck in the quest to ‘find themselves,’ I ignite curiosity, emphasizing awareness in the present moment over reaching a destination.

I address internal voids and barriers to truth, offering hope and a direction.

Inspiring others to explore beyond negativity fuels my purpose. This is also what my books are about reconnection, recovery and rejuvenation!

In a collaborative process, whether as a guide, coach, teacher, or trusted confidant, I offer genuine intuitive readings, intuitively revealing the barriers to truth.

Labels for what I do vary, as each session and workshop are unique experiences, but compassion defines my approach. I see people as souls in a physical body, experiencing life.

 I work with, not for, as it is a collaborative process, we’re in the exploration together.
I love that I am a part of experiences that reveal the truth of souls.
I intuitively track what impedes people from unifying with their truth.