Your Insight and Awareness Book
Your Life is an Expedition to Discover the Truth of Yourself
Your Life is an Expedition to Discover the Truth of Yourself
When I wrote Your Insight and Awareness Book I endeavoured to create a comprehensive guide that walks you through your emotional labyrinth that confronts our souls. It was an undertaking that took twelve years of uncovering what causes us to retreat from embracing our inner being.
This book is tour guide revealing the diverse ways you stop yourself from accepting the significance of your soul and the meaningfulness of your existence. It is for the dedicated, those who have burning questions and want to apply effort into their personal self-discovery!
I won’t lie – Your Insight and Awareness Book can feel confronting as you start recognising what is hidden in your emotional baggage and the ways you approach yourself and life. It is designed similar to a flip book – open it up read a paragraph or page and look for what triggers a response within you. The reaction is revealing information to you. Self-discovery is challenging, especially if you don’t know what to challenge. This book reveals this to you, but you set the pace.
Some paragraph will resonate with you and leave you wanting to know more or reaffirm what you internally knew. Some you’ll read and say I don’t get it (MARK IT) and then come back and you’ll have the AHA experience and laugh at why it seems so hard to get. This means your awareness moved and that is what this book is designed to do: Challenge you to expand your awareness.
HOWEVER, if it triggers an emotional reaction, irritates you, leaves you thinking or triggers something – you have found yourself on a journey to a greater understanding of yourself.
Remember: Your Insight & Awareness Book is designed for you to randomly;
select pages, paragraphs, sentences or illustrations,
and use them as a source of contemplation.
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Lorraine xx