Ever wondered why?
Childhood trauma in adults, is so prevalent that it is a silent epidemic and the lasting scars are difficult to heal. This extraordinarily important book contains valuable insights into the thought processes and emotional impact the abused contend with daily.
Many are plagued with questions they fear will never be answered; the top of the list is ‘Why, Me? Will I always be haunted by emotional flashbacks?’ These and many more questions are answered in this book.
Ground breaking in its approach; it is truly an exploration into the reality of childhood neglect and sexual abuse. It provides a much-needed soul perspective that has the power to change lives, removing mind-set obstacles that are part of the abuse, not the person.
So, if you’re seeking answers to your questions or want to be informed, then this is a book for you! It is an invaluable resource for victims, survivors or thrivers of any type of abuse and child protection advocates.
Abuse is never deserved.
It is an exploitation of innocence and physical disadvantage,
which is perceived as an opportunity by the abuser.
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