7 Profound Benefits of Exploring Past Lives for Personal Growth!

10 minute read…

Benefits Of Exploring Past Lives for Personal Growth!

Embarking on a journey into the depths of your soul is a fascinating experience.

Have you ever found yourself pondering the mysteries of your lives?

Wondered about the essence of your existence?

Exploring past lives for personal growth is an intriguing pursuit; however, it’s crucial to remember the significance of the present life.

When we explore past lives we gain awareness of your behavioural patterns from a distance, bringing insights from your soul’s past into the present. At times this makes it easier to truly understand what is happening currently.

Past lives exploration can encourage us to examine aspects of ourselves that we often choose to overlook.

However, I’ve observed many individuals using their interest in past life exploration as a way to avoid taking responsibility for their contributions to their life experiences.

When we explore past lives it is meant to inform and guide us, emphasizing the importance of soul accountability rather than evading self-responsibility.

If you explore past lives, the information should provide insight into your reactions, decision-making, and the dynamics that attract you to specific relationships.

A lady standing in a vortex and ancient clock behind her - 7 Benefits of Exploring Past Lives for Personal Growth- with a spiritual mentor Lorraine Nilon

7 Benefits of Exploring Past Lives for personal Growth!

Personal Reflection: During a session with a client facing emotional challenges, I identified a past life where they had endured horrific long-term abuse. To be honest, most of us have experienced forms of abuse, such as hangings, burning at the stake, or slavery.

In an unexpected response, the client eagerly proclaimed, “I’ve always known I was a victim!” as they sought to affirm a newfound sense of entitlement to justify their self-abusive victimhood.

They used the past life reading as confirmation that this proved their belief they had always been a victim, and had no input into what had been creating the emotional challenges they’d faced. I explained that this wasn’t the case; “its one life and you have experienced many.”

Instead of acknowledging that life and the journey of souls is a complex array of experiences they fixated on their victimhood.

They developed a co-dependency on proving that their soul had been victimized in every life, using this belief to reinforce a sense of victimhood entitlement.

They manipulated others, disguising their actions through a sense of reactive victimhood, which became the root cause of numerous emotional upheavals. Unfortunately, they believed it was justified and they were not responsible for acting out because of all the stored victimisation the client believed they’d endured rendered them a victim to their soul history.

I tried to explain what needed resolving was the attitude toward their victimhood entitlement.

A year later this person returned for another session, demanding I reveal another past life. They complained about the money they spent attending numerous sessions with others providing similar services. They had been on the chase, addicted to gathering information about past lives.

Of cause every life they recounted has them victimised, many felt authentic to me, some I debate.

Roman Solider with sword pointing at modern lady - Explore past lives with a spiritual mentor Lorraine Nilon

We discussed the emotional motive of the demands and the compulsion that had developed. I explained that I allow past lives to reveal themselves; I don’t usually chase them. I read them easily when relevant to current situations, otherwise I don’t get a lot of details, more an overview.

A past life did reveal itself, but, interestingly, this time the person was a vindictive abuser and victimised many; contradicting the narrative they were trying to establish.

I explained that our soul has experienced lives in various cultures, held different authority positions, and we have had to navigate societal expectations and the ways of the era we are born too.

It was revealed that in this past authoritarian position, they had abused power and mistreated hordes of vulnerable individuals.

Contrast is a fundamental aspect of our learning, and understanding we’ve all experienced diverse types of lives. Some of these lives still influence us and underscore the significance of choice, integrity, and compassion.

This information presented an opportunity for the client to be honest about what they were protecting – their identity as a victim. Victimhood had become both an identity and a manipulative tool.

Despite experiencing terrible childhood abuse, using it as justification for emotionally abusing others only resulted in creating more victims.

They were confronted with the internal reality of their relationship with victimhood, realizing that in circumstances conducive to their control, they were prone to being abusive. Even today the client was seeking to justify their emotionally abusive behaviour instead of addressing the root cause motivating them.

Their current desire to explore past lives, was revealing the co-dependency on victimhood and the sense of entitlement to use it to control others.

Now, they are presented with an opportunity to address the beliefs, fears, and unresolved emotions that have sustained this potentially long-held behavioural pattern. This brings us back to the power of choice! The purpose of past lives exploration is to inform us so at the crossroads of choice we can make informed decisions.

Two lots of stairs heading in different direction and lady in past life vortex.


Past lives fascinate those who have a deep feeling of having been here before. For me, it is a given! When you connect with your soul, you sense the history it carries. You may not recall specific details, but there is an awareness of having lived many lives.

Personally, past lives provide context to the hows and whys of some unexplained feelings. In the past, I’ve used this understanding to gain insights into current events and to reassure myself that my soul journey is more profound than initially perceived.


Exploring past lives for personal growth can be a transformational journey if you use the information wisely!


Understanding Past Life Regression:


What exactly is past life regression?

Past life regression is akin to taking a stroll down memory lane, though not reminiscing about childhood memories. It involves delving into the depths of your soul, uncovering events and long held beliefs, fears and desires from the history of your soul.

It’s akin to time-traveling through the developmental history of your soul and humanity. Trust me, the insights can be mind-blowing, requiring you to use all your senses.

Some experience it as looking through a blurry glass, while others describe it as a mini-series sensed through feelings. For some, it involves seeing images, smelling scents, and hearing sounds hidden in deep memory.

Many find the experience so immersive that they relive emotional reactions and deep-seated feelings, while others may have rapid-fire images that require their other senses to slow down the process.

The exploration of past lives for personal growth is tapping into your soul knowing and you’ll feel the authenticity of it as it resonance with you!

You don’t have to be a die-hard spiritual guru to explore past lives. It’s for anyone who’s curious, open-minded, and ready for a bit of soul-searching. Consider it a personal journey—a way to connect the dots and make sense of your unique life (soul) story.


7 Benefits of Exploring Past Lives:


Past lives exploration significantly impacts our self-perception and can greatly benefit individuals. It’s important to remember that what we uncover is just a snapshot, and lifetimes are complex.

As mentioned, I’ve also witnessed past life addiction, where individuals use the pursuit to justify their actions and avoid self-responsibility. Some chase past life information to ignore the choices that created in their current life situations, preferring to see themselves as victims of history repeating.

Unlocking the past reveals why we made certain choices, but it doesn’t make us victims, but it does reveal our inner influences.

We’re on a journey of self-discovery, and events unfold to help us recognize patterns. Past life awareness assists in this process, with the goal of taking responsibility for our soul journey and potential evolution.

Ignoring the opportunity and benefits of exploring past lives creates a disconnect, potentially increasing co-dependency on others due to perceived entitlement based on soul history.

It’s essential to be mindful that past life awareness should not sustain harmful beliefs or encourage spiritual bypassing.

Despite these cautions, exploring past lives offers profound benefits for personal growth, emotional well-being, and spiritual development. Here are some major advantages:


  1. Healing Unresolved Traumas:

Exploration of past lives serves as a tool to unearth and heal unresolved traumas that originated in previous lifetimes and still impact us today.

Understanding an initial event empowers us to address the root causes of current emotional wounds. The historical distance allows our over-zealous protection mechanisms to subside, and our willingness to explore steps forward.

Unlocking deep memories is particularly helpful for those experiencing unexplained emotional reactions and attractions. Individuals may experience profound realizations after recognizing their emotional patterns, leading to self-honesty, healing, and relief. This presents a self-discovery opportunity, offering liberation from emotional baggage and improving mental and emotional well-being in current lives.


  1. Personal Growth and Self-Discovery:

When we explore past lives it is a potent method for personal growth.

I’ve observed that past lives are often revealed when we’re at a crossroad of choice.

Are we going to repeat past patterns, or venture into the unknown?

Understanding the patterns, choices, and challenges from past lives provides insights into our current personalities. Some of the personality traits developed for survival in past lives may now be holding us back.

When we explore past lives it offers an opportunity to reevaluate where we’ve been and acknowledge the lessons learned. Recognising it is time to apply what was already learned but forgotten is empowering – if we choose it to be.

This presents a personal growth opportunity, fostering increased self-awareness and a deeper understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses, leading to personal development and a more authentic sense of self.


  1. Insights into Current Life Challenges:

Interpreting past lives offers valuable insights into recurring themes and challenges in our present lives. It alleviates panic and fear, as we realize we’ve faced extreme challenges before.

Past lives exploration shifts our perception of life and our immortal existence. This awareness empowers individuals to break free from negative patterns and make more soulfully informed choices.

It motivates us to strive for better because we’ve already paid the price of admission, having done the reconnaissance. This enhances self-resilience, improving problem-solving skills, decision-making, and a sense of empowerment in facing current life challenges.


  1. Strengthening Spiritual Connection:

Viewed as a means to deepen one’s spiritual connection, past life exploration involves tapping into the soul’s journey across lifetimes. This may involve discovering soul contracts, understanding life purposes, and connecting with higher aspects of the self.

Spirituality is about ‘knowing thyself,’ and our past lives can be a part of this self-discovery journey. This offers a spiritual growth opportunity, fostering heightened spiritual awareness, a sense of purpose, and a feeling of interconnectedness with the universe.


  1. Releasing Fears and Phobias:

Past life regression is effective for addressing and releasing irrational fears and phobias that have no apparent cause in the current life.

Personal Reflection: I had a client whose eight-year-old child would panic around cars in carparks. The child would put their back against any wall and side-step as if they were walking on a ledge from great heights.

This behavior started suddenly, and no one could explain why!

Crossing a road often led to detours to distant traffic lights even when no cars were visible.

It was discovered that in a past life, the child had died at eight years old from a vehicle accident. The past life was discussed, but the child didn’t change their behavior until their ninth birthday, and then instantly, the behavior changed. (Fascinating!)

Acknowledging the root cause of a phobia presents a self-awareness opportunity, allowing individuals to experience relief from unexplained fears and fostering a more liberated and fearless approach to life.


  1. Improved Relationships:

Past lives exploration for self-personal sheds light on the dynamics of relationships and connections with others. Understanding the shared history with certain individuals may lead to improved communication and stronger bonds.

Past lives can illuminate the structures of previous relationships to explain current behaviors and attitudes. Patterns, even in relationships, tend to repeat.

This presents relationship opportunities, fostering enhanced empathy, compassion, and a greater ability to navigate relationships with a deeper understanding of shared histories.


  1. Overcoming Blockages and Limiting Beliefs:

Exploring past lives can unveil the origins of current blockages and limiting beliefs, allowing individuals to address and overcome them. This self-discovery can lead to a more empowered and fulfilling life.

Personal Reflection: I had a client who struggled with fear of humiliation. Despite significant achievements, they feared accolades and lived in constant fear of major attention. This caused them to sabotage themselves if the achievements were getting noticed.

Through past life exploration, it was revealed that in a previous life, they had been falsely accused of a crime they didn’t commit, leading to unjust punishment.

This experience had created deep-seated trust issues and fear of judgment. Understanding the origin allowed the client to work through these issues and overcome their fear of judgement.

Identifying and addressing the roots of blockages and self-limiting beliefs presents us with a self-empowerment opportunity, allowing individuals for a more empowered and fulfilling life.


In Conclusion:


Past lives exploration is a profound journey that offers opportunities for healing, growth, and self-discovery.

While it can provide valuable insights and benefits, it’s crucial to approach it with a balanced perspective, avoiding the pitfalls of past life addiction and spiritual bypassing.

The key lies in using past life awareness as a tool for self-responsibility, acknowledging the choices made in past lives, and applying those lessons to the present. It’s not about victimhood; it’s about soul accountability.

Through past life exploration, individuals can release unresolved traumas, foster personal growth, gain insights into current life challenges, strengthen their spiritual connection, overcome fears and phobias, improve relationships, and address blockages and limiting beliefs.

It’s a transformative journey that, when approached with mindfulness, can lead to a more liberated, empowered, and fulfilling life.


Spiritual teacher is a way to discovery best version of yourself- Lorraine Nilon with compass surrounded by light in background.

Follow your Curiosity!

This Blog was inspired by Spiritual Explorer Podcast -Episode 70!



Information about this Episode 

Spiritual podcast host Lorraine Nilon and Pieter Elsen-past lives author Ep70- Exploring Past Lives for self-discovery



YouTube Logo with phot of Lorraine Nilon

Spiritual Explorer Podcast- Youtube channel – Subscribe and never miss an Episode.


070- Exploring Past Lives For Self-Discovery. Pieter Elsen

How can we use Exploring past Lives for Self-Discovery and Soul Awareness?

What is past life regression?

Have you ever wounder what happens during life between lives?

Past lives explained – well as much as we can in one episode.

If you have ever pondered these questions, you’ll love, episode 70 of Lorraine Nilon’s Spiritual Explorer podcast!

It is a captivating adventure with author Pieter Elsen author of “When Souls Awaken: Real-Life Accounts of Past-Life and Life-Between-Lives Regressions.”

BOOK📔(AMAZON) https://geni.us/Whensoulsawaken-book

AUDIOBOOK 💫 (AMAZON) https://geni.us/Whensoulsawaken-audio

When Souls Awaken- a man walking with tall spirit and a glowing light.

Exploring Past Lives for Self-Discovery!


Exploring past lives for self-discovery enables you to become aware of your patterns of behaviour from a distance! What you can discover from your soul past while fascinated and curious, enables you to pull it forward to the present.

Past lives exploration can help us look where we often refuse to acknowledge!

Join us as we dive into the realms of past lives and life between lives. In this episode, explore real stories of awakening and regressions that will leave you fascinated and inspired. 👑

Explore the intriguing story of a young man’s journey from being a “pothead” to discovering his role as a ruler in a past life. This episode takes you through the unexpected twists and turns of regression therapy, showcasing the transformative power of exploring one’s soul history. 🌌

When soul awaken we begin to trust the process of life! Don’t miss this and join us as we explore some of the mysteries of the soul and uncover the extraordinary adventures hidden beyond the veil. 🚀

Subscribe now and embark on the path to emotional well-being with “The Spiritual Explorer” podcast. Your transformation begins here.


Exploring Past Lives for Self-Discovery - podcast art cover within photo of Pieter Elsen author of When Souls Awaken and Self-help author and podcaster Lorraine Nilon

Exploring Past lives for Self-Discovery!

If you are interested Lorraine wrote this blog to help those seeking a greater understanding of what they have experienced. Exploring Past Lives for Self-Discovery means we need to become informed and curious.  

A lady standing in a vortex and ancient clock behind her - 7 Benefits of Exploring Past Lives for Personal Growth- with a spiritual mentor Lorraine Nilon

7 Benefits of Exploring Past Lives for personal Growth!


YouTube-FLIP THE BOOK – is a short video (9.43 mins). It is an excerpt of this interview.💫💫Flip the Book has journal prompts!! 
💫Use the Self-Reflective Questions as journal prompts, as a point for quiet self-contemplation or as a conversation starters with your friends.
💫FLIP THE BOOK is an intuitive and self-reflective discussion that is both revealing and is full of philosophical questions and answers. We learn a lot from other people’s experiences and perception.
💫FIND OUT WHAT you resonate with and explore why it touches your soul?
photo of Pieter Elsen and Lorraine Nilon- Journal and pen with journaling prompts!

Past Lives Exploration Expert Pieter Elsen wisdom shared!


Find more quotes on Lorraine Nilon’s Facebook page-   See more QUOTES


Photo of Pieter Elsen and Lorraine Nilon - past life quote: Past Lives regression; we gain insights into our purpose and the trajectory that connects our past lives to our present existence.

Exploring Past lives for Self-discovery!

Photo Lorraine Nilon and Pieter Elsen with Lorraine Nilon quote: Challenging beliefs and exploring the unknown is crucial for personal growth.

Self-Belief Quote

Thank you for checking out Lorraine Nilon’s  Spiritual Explorers podcast. Exploring past lives for self-discovery is an exciting adventure, but ensure the past-life therapist is one with integrity!


Enjoying the content and want to show appreciation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/LorraineNilon

Lorraine Information

You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.

Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:

Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 070 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.

We would love to hear your Aha moments – A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews

069 – The Importance Of Validating Our Emotions and Surviving Narcissism!

The Importance of validating our emotions, feelings and awareness cannot be understated.

Embark on a transformative journey with Lorraine Nilon, your guide through the intricate landscapes of self-worth and validation. Surviving narcissism and being gaslit causes us to lose our sense of self! This episode and the blog mentioned is a resource for improved self worth and validation of the complexities of narcissistic relationships.  

In this episode 69 – of “The Spiritual Explorer” podcast, Lorraine delve into the importance of validating our emotions and feelings, and navigating the intricate tapestry of emotions that narcissism and gaslighting evokes.

It is an episode that shows you not only why the following questions are important but also give you ways of answering them:

  • How do we validate our emotions when others are dismissing them?
  • How do we deal with gaslighting which invalidates our emotions, feelings and awareness of reality?
  • Why we mustn’t neglect our self worth and validation of our experience?

Episode Highlights:

Unlocking the Power Within: Join Lorraine Nilon as she unravels the mysteries impact to our self-worth and validation by those who attempt to steal our confidence. She dives deep into the importance of validating our emotions. discusses why gaslighting causes us to feel defective.

Learn how acknowledging and embracing your emotions can be a catalyst for personal growth and resilience.

The Sacred Art of Validation: Explore the spiritual dimensions of validation—from within and without. Lorraine shares insights into the sacred journey of validating yourself and extending that validation to others. Discover the transformative impact this simple yet profound act can have on your spiritual and emotional well-being.

Navigating Self-Relationships with Compassion after Gaslighting Emotional Abuse: In this episode, Lorraine explores the art of validating our own and others’ feelings, fostering deeper connections in relationships. Learn practical tips on how to navigate the intricate dance of emotions with compassion and understanding.

Surviving Narcissism and Gaslighting: A crucial segment of this episode focuses on surviving narcissism—an exploration into recognizing narcissistic behavior, validating your awareness, feelings, and worth. Lorraine provides empowering insights and tools to shield yourself against manipulation and emerge stronger.

Why You Can’t Miss This Episode: In a world filled with constant challenges, Lorraine Nilon serves as your spiritual guide, offering wisdom and practical advice on the transformative power of validation. Whether you’re navigating life-changing events, seeking deeper connections in relationships, or surviving the complexities of narcissism, this episode is your compass to emotional resilience.

Tune in to “The Spiritual Explorer” podcast and join Lorraine Nilon on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Embrace the importance of validating our emotions and unlock the doors to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Subscribe now and embark on the path to emotional well-being with “The Spiritual Explorer” podcast. Your transformation begins here.


Photo of Lorraine Nilon- Spiritual podcast art cover - The importance of validating emotions and surviving narcissism. ep 69

Gaslighting, surviving narcissism and the importance of validating our emotions!

If you are interested Lorraine wrote this blog to help those seeking a greater understanding of what they have experienced. The Importance of Validating our Emotions means we need to become informed and curious.  Surviving narcissism is never easy and it is through understanding what you have experienced that you begin to heal!

A lady crying and a person behind her getting help up a steep incline. Self-help author Lorraine Nilon What you need to know: Healing after narcissism, gaslighting, surviving narcissism and how to be self-validating

Healing after narcissism seems overwhelming, and validating our feelings is a starting point!


YouTube-FLIP THE BOOK – is a short video (3.42 mins). It is an excerpt of this interview.💫💫Flip the Book has journal prompts!! 
💫Use the Self-Reflective Questions as journal prompts, as a point for quiet self-contemplation or as a conversation starters with your friends.
💫FLIP THE BOOK is an intuitive and self-reflective discussion that is both revealing and is full of philosophical questions and answers. We learn a lot from other people’s experiences and perception.
💫FIND OUT WHAT you resonate with and explore why it touches your soul?
Fli The Book - a Youtube short videos with Journal prompts- image of a pen and journal and photo of Lorraine Nilon

Journaling Tips!


Find more quotes on Lorraine Nilon’s Facebook page-   See more QUOTES


Photo of Lorraine Nilon- spiritual podcast art cover- Gaslighting Quote: When someone uses your moment of vulnerability to start playing with your emotions - discounting them, and degrading you,YOU’RE BEING GASLIT!

Gaslighting Quote.

Lorraine Nilon photo with how people treat us quote: People show us how they value us by how they treat us! We value ourselves when we acknowledge the truth of how we are treated!

Thank you for checking out Lorraine Nilon’s  Spiritual Explorers podcast. The importance of validating our emotion especially after narcissistic gaslighting is essential in the healing process.  


Enjoying the content and want to show appreciation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/LorraineNilon

Lorraine Information

You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.

Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:

Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 067 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.

We would love to hear your Aha moments – A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews

Healing After Narcissism, Surviving Narcissism, and How to Be Self-Validating.

10 min read.

Healing after narcissism seems overwhelming, and validating our feelings is a starting point!

Life is a complex journey filled with unexpected twists, challenging relationships, and transformative moments. For those of us who have survived narcissism or had our fair share of life storms, we know the intensity of the emotions we’ve suppressed in the hope that our sacrifice will lead to a harmonious future.

There are not many who, in hindsight, will still defend the action of grin and bear it!

Navigating through life-changing events is hard enough without having to survive another’s narcissism. Many dread the realization that another is treating them so obnoxiously and attempt to disregard the impact narcissism is having on their emotional well-being.

All those who have lived, worked, and even attempted to be friends with a narcissist know once the realization that you’re in a relationship with a narcissist has occurred – there is no dimmer switch.
Narcissists leave their prey grappling with a whirlwind of emotions: we gave grace; they gave us contemptuous criticism. We created excuses; they kept pushing our boundaries until they were non-existent, leaving us bewildered.

When we realize that there is intention behind their obnoxiousness, the crashing weight of regret, humiliation, and sorrow becomes a shame we carry.

When this realization is no longer pushed aside, it is important to validate our own feelings, acknowledge the narcissist’s intent, and seek validation from supportive others.

Support during this time becomes not just relevant but crucial for our emotional well-being. The support should never come with demands; it should be a safe place for them to unravel the reality of healing after narcissism, even if they’re trapped in the relationship.

broken heart surrounded by black heart; photo of Lorraine Nilon with quote: each person's story is unique and the challenges differ! Healing from narcissism or surviving narcissism is complex!

Healing after narcissism requires honest self-reflection and support!

Understanding the Power of Validation:

In the midst of life’s emotional storms and the realization of reality, the simple act of acknowledging and validating our emotions can be a beacon fire. One that reminds us of our worth, steering us in the direction of nurturing and protecting ourselves.

Validating ourselves is like finding a safe harbor in the midst of a tempest, a space where we are allowed to feel and express without judgment.

Validation is not about agreeing with our emotions but recognizing their existence. This enables us to understand they’re an indicator beaconing us to acknowledge how we feel and to be honest with ourselves.

Within all emotional storms, there is a moment that requires us to be honest with ourselves and acknowledge the true impact of what we are experiencing on our personal well-being.

In the storm of realization, confusion will cause us to look for the familiar ports, places to hide from reality. The patterns we often detest but are known will begin, and we must acknowledge the choices we are making. If we want different from ourselves, we must respond differently to our emotional reactions.

We’ll attempt to avoid feeling what we believe proves we deserve to suffer. It is a hidden belief buried under sorrow and disappointment and built on misconceptions. But it can be strong and cloud our ability to discern the truth.
We never deserved to suffer, and when another takes pleasure from the power and control of instigating such pain, they exist on the spectrum of narcissism.

mystic image of a lady with lots of emotional thoughts -Lorraine Nilon quote-Validation is not about agreeing with our emotions but recognizing their existence.

Surviving Narcissism and Gaslighting!

Personal Reflection:

I vividly recall a period in my life when I was faced with the realization that someone close to me was not healthy for me. Every time I’d try to explain my emotions, I was met with disparaging remarks and the gaslight jive choreographed by a champion.

The next day I’d find myself being lectured to, as they reiterated my words as their own. Accusing me of what I’d tried to discuss the day before. It was bizarre that they expected me to ignore the twist of my words. They said them as if they never heard them before!

The frustration was insurmountable because trying to find solutions with someone who only wanted to annihilate my confidence is unachievable.

Self-doubt crept in as they attempted to steer me towards being submissive to their deviant coercion. I doubted my grasp of reality, questioned my motives, and felt guilty for being the source of another’s trauma. Except I wasn’t that was the jive of gaslighting, to make the innocent feel guilty, and to accuse the victim of being the perpetrator!

I was desperately trying to be nice, thoughtful, and compassionate, and it was all used against me!

It was during this time a friend’s simple validation, “I can see you’re going through a tough time, and that’s okay,” became a lifeline. “I can see deception at play, and you’re trying to support them as they take advantage of you!”

That acknowledgment allowed me to embrace the truth of my emotions and take the first steps in stopping my fight against reality and my own awareness.

We try to tell ourselves it’s not that bad; “you’re misreading the situation”, but most of the time we are not. We instinctively know, acknowledging the truth of the other person is going to change the relationship forever, so we attempt to deny reality at our peril.

The validation opens the door to validate myself because not only were they gaslighting me, but I was also gaslighting myself.

This realization enables me to stop and take accountability for myself and not to continue taking full responsibility for another’s behaviour. It was an opportunity to value my freedom to have boundaries.

This acknowledged reality became part of the steps towards healing the deeper wounds that made me susceptible to appeasement for the illusion of peace, respect, and love. An illusion never sustains and once recognized becomes tainted with the ugliness of their narcissistic traits.

Photo of a distressed lady - confused with a background of a lighter with me written on it, You and gaslighting written as well in background. Recovery narcissistic gaslighting

Recovery from gaslighting is possible!


Self-gaslighting is subtle yet powerful. We internalize and perpetuate the very manipulative tactics we have experienced from others.

We distort our own perception of reality, downplay valid emotions, and question the legitimacy of our personal experiences and feelings. It’s a form of self-doubt and self-deception that undermines our confidence and destroys our ability to self-trust.

Past traumas, being raised in toxic relationships, constantly feeling rejected, not good enough, or deflected cause us to try and create safety – even if it is just in our mind – and self-gaslighting becomes our normal.

Self-gaslighting is an internal dialogue that invalidates our feelings or experiences. Unravelling the layers of self-gaslighting requires self-awareness, compassion, and a commitment to breaking free from the patterns that contribute to internal dissonance.

Personal Reflection:
Instead of acknowledging the toxic behaviour around me, I attempted to convince myself that maybe I was not as competent as I thought. The constant undermining started to erode self-confidence, and I found myself questioning my worth.

I had invited the narcissist into my life; I thought I could help them overcome their insecurities. “Look at my arrogance!” I began to find reasons why I was the problem.

I didn’t realize this was self-gaslighting or that I was instinctively trying to generate a sense of safety. “Maybe I am too sensitive, am I overreacting, or I always look for drama in my life? What am I doing to cause people close to me to act this way?” When we self-gaslight instead of addressing the individual event, we start the internal dialogue with the “always, people, never” statements. Self-blame and despair become the go-to!

I felt vulnerable and disrespected and instead of acknowledging this. I went to self-blame and believed it was my job to fix it. I unwittingly became a participant in my own self-gaslighting narrative.

Rather than recognizing the external manipulation for what it was, I increased the blaming of myself. I couldn’t find a solution; therefore, I was to blame. “They can’t help themselves; they’re struggling with their emotions, they don’t realize how hurtful they’re being.” I altered my perception of reality to align with the gaslighter’s version.

I started to internalize every word they said and these incidents gradually had me shell-shocked and doubting my own abilities and worth.

My self-perception was changing and I couldn’t see it; doubt replaced confidence. Breaking free from self-gaslighting involves recognizing these thought patterns, challenging them, and seeking external validation.
I need someone to reassure me that I wasn’t to blame. I needed support to regain clarity.

I needed to voice what had occurred not through the filter of self-blame but with a sense of classifying what had happened. Being honest about it enabled me to recognize my reactions to what had occurred instead of being fixated on just the emotions entwined with the reactions.

Being objective is a crucial step in reclaiming your self-worth and dismantling the internalized narratives that perpetuate self-doubt.

sad lady looking at a stepping stone and the same lady happy- surviving narcissism, gaslighting1- self-help author

Gaslighting destroys our self-confidence and self-validation repairs it!

The Struggle to Validate:

The journey to self-validation is not always smooth. The struggle lies in overcoming self-imposed judgments, societal expectations, and the fear of appearing vulnerable.
Many of us are conditioned to believe that expressing our emotions is a sign of weakness, leading to a constant battle with our inner selves.
We must first be willing to be honest about our feelings and give them a voice, even if it is just to the one in the mirror.
We struggle when we deny our reality! We prolong suffering when we are unable to accept our feelings are communication from within.

For many, the struggle for validation can become an obsession of wanting the narcissists to validate our observations and feelings. But this is not part of the narcissistic jive! Their validation is a manipulative tool and even if given, it is taken back, generally in the next sentence uttered!
The truth will be ignored, invalidated and refuted with the agenda to mock or manipulate us! Accepting this about the narcissist is difficult but essential; “we can’t get blood out of a stone”, and no one gets the truth in its purity from a narcissist.

Gaslighting and Emotional Manipulation:

In the realm of emotions, gaslighting is a dark force that undermines our sense of self.
Gaslighters manipulate our reality, making us doubt our own emotions and experiences.
Recognizing these tactics is crucial in maintaining emotional well-being. When doubt creeps in – check facts and acknowledge them as undebatable facts. The narcissist reject reality but we must never align with the deception.

Spotting the Signs:
Gaslighting often starts subtly, with phrases like, “You’re overreacting” or “You’re too sensitive.” These seemingly harmless comments can snowball into a web of self-doubt, making it challenging to trust our own feelings.
Recognize them as rude comments not a personal analysis of you! Then identify the motive behind them; what is the narcissist attempting to avoid.
Don’t try to prove to them what you’re observing; that’s an invitation to ride their merry-go-round of deception. But do validate it to yourself; this will enable you to observe the antics with clear vision.

Building Emotional Resilience:

Developing emotional resilience is akin to fortifying ourselves against life’s storms. It involves acknowledging our vulnerabilities, understanding our emotional triggers, and actively working towards self-acceptance. You no longer need their validation because you seek your own.
You’ll feel the strength of your integrity when you begin to validate yourself. In moments of confusion and despair anchor to a fact they disputed but you have clarity about. This will remind you of their willingness to be deceptive and enables you to devalue their words and actions because they don’t see you, they see prey!

Practical Strategies:

Mindfulness Practices: Engaging in mindfulness activities, such as honest self-reflection, meditation, or journaling, allows yourself to observe your emotions without judgment.
Cultivating Supportive Relationships: Surrounding yourself with individuals who validate your feelings and offer support. This will strengthen your emotional resilience.
Pro-tip: make sure you talk about other things – movies, music, or books – you don’t want to become stuck analysing your history; let life move you forward. Debrief when needed but not as a compulsive habit.
Seeking Professional Guidance: Therapeutic interventions provide a structured space for exploring and validating complex emotions. You may need an impartial umpire, so your unresolved emotions don’t take your steering wheel.

Personal Reflection:
During any challenging phase, I turned to the power of self-reflection, and learning how to be honest with yourself is easier said and done. It was through moments of self-reflection that I realized the power of validating my own experiences.
The skill of being self-reflective and the opportunity to have honest conversations – debriefing with someone trustworthy – became pillars of my emotional resilience, helping me weather subsequent storms with newfound strength.

Relationships and Validation:

In the intricate dance of relationships, validation becomes the melody that harmonizes our connections. Whether in friendships, family bonds, or romantic relationships, acknowledging each other’s emotions fosters a sense of security and strengthens the foundation of trust.
The jive of narcissism and gaslighting destroys trust but never allows it to remain the block to self-trust and your ability to dance with another.

The Dance of Validation:

Active Listening: Taking the time to truly listen to our loved ones without judgment creates a space for mutual validation.
Expressing Gratitude: Simple expressions of gratitude for the support and understanding shared during challenging times strengthen the bond between individuals. Value the bond with those you are grateful for!
Validating Differences: Embracing the uniqueness of each person’s emotional experience. Acceptance of our uniqueness and never compare your life with another.

Surviving Narcissism, Gaslighting, and Validating Our Awareness, Feelings, and Worth:

Surviving narcissism and gaslighting is a unique challenge that requires a deep commitment to self-awareness and emotional validation.

Narcissists often thrive on invalidating the emotions and worth of those around them, leaving a trail of confusion and self-doubt.

Healing after narcissism takes time and effort, but you are worth it!

Empowering Ourselves:

Recognizing Narcissistic Behaviour: Understanding the traits of narcissism is the first step toward protecting our emotional well-being.

Constant criticism, projection of insecurities, and a lack of empathy are telltale signs.

Validating Our Feelings

Self-Awareness: Trusting our gut feelings and acknowledging the impact of narcissistic behaviour on our emotions is crucial.

Self-awareness becomes our shield against manipulation.

Affirming Our Worth: In the face of constant invalidation, affirming our self-worth becomes an act of defiance. Seeking validation from within and surrounding ourselves with a support system that understands our journey is paramount.

Personal Reflection:

Having encountered narcissistic behaviour and gaslighting in close relationships, I learned the hard way that self-validation is a powerful tool against manipulation.
Recognizing the signs allowed me to protect my emotional well-being and disengage from toxic relationships.
Affirming my worth became a daily practice, reinforcing the understanding that my emotions and experiences are valid.
Most people who haven’t experienced long-term narcissism think the answers to the challenges are easy. Leave them, get away from them, get a new job, but that’s not always the case; some are family members, part of our financial security, believed inescapable.
Each person’s story is unique, and the challenges may differ, but the reality is healing or surviving narcissism is complex. Get informed and trust you deserve peace.

In conclusion the tapestry of life, weave a story of our feelings and emotions. Resilience, growth, and self-discovery are born through us being self-reflective.
Validating our own feelings and extending this validation to others forms the foundation upon which we build emotional well-being.
As we navigate life’s storms, let us remember that embracing our emotions and seeking validation from supportive people or those who have experienced similar is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our strength and willingness to nurture our authenticity.

Photo of Lorraine Nilon with a backdrop of a lady walking upstairs heading to an light opening- representing change from Lorraine Nilon's spiritual life coaching

Healing after narcissism requires support!

068-Beyond Addiction Hardship to Inner Paradise! CHRIS THRALL

Thriving Through Transformation: Chris Thrall’s Inspiring True Stories of Overcoming Adversity !

🌟 Dive into an uplifting podcast for personal transformation, as this episode of the Spiritual Explorer with host Lorraine Nilon follows an  inspirational true story. 

Join us as we illuminate the incredible true stories of overcoming adversity of Chris Thrall, former Royal Marines commando turned author, speaker, and spiritual explorer. This show is a beacon of inspiration, offering a unique blend of motivation, resilience, and self-discovery.

Key Highlights because this isn’t another addiction recovery podcast, this is a Inspirational true story of childhood abuse, and a reminder that not everyone’s childhood is referred to as the good old days. Chris very open about his veteran CPTSD and the steps he took to overcome adversity:

1. From Military Service to Spiritual Awakening:
– Explore Chris Thrall’s dynamic and inspirational true story, from Royal Marines to navigating gangland and drugs.
– Uncover the powerful transformation that led him towards spiritual awakening and profound self-discovery.

2. Books : (AMAZON)  “Eating Smoke” and “Forty Nights“:
– Delve into Chris’s gripping memoir, “Eating Smoke,” recounting his tumultuous experiences in Hong Kong’s drug trade.
– Discover the sequel, “Forty Nights,” where Chris shares his journey of recovery and spiritual enlightenment.

 These books are not just stories; they’re blueprints for resilience, redemption, and personal growth.

Chris Thrall - book: Eating Smoke: One Man's Descent Into Crystal Meth Psychosis in Hong Kong's Triad Heartland (Eating Smoke Series Book 1) cover with dragon image.A man with stretched out arms on Chris Thrall Book: Forty Nights: My Escape From Crystal Meth Hell (Eating Smoke Series Book 2


3. Personal Transformation Advocacy and Mental Well-being:
– Chris Thrall’s commitment to open and honest discussions on drug addiction is a cornerstone of this episode.
– Gain valuable insights into mental well-being, veterans’ challenges, and breaking down societal stigmas.

4. Why You Should Tune In:
– 🚀 Be inspired by Chris’s remarkable self-transformation and triumph over adversity.
– 🎙️ Immerse yourself in a positive, engaging conversation that transcends life’s challenges.
– 📘 Explore the profound messages in Chris Thrall’s books and discover the strength within to thrive through transformation.

Don’t miss this uplifting episode on the Spiritual Explorer Podcast, where resilience meets spiritual growth. Chris Thrall’s inspirational true story is not just about overcoming adversity; it’s a celebration of the human spirit’s incredible capacity for personal transformation. Tune in, be inspired!


Episode on YouTube


Photo of Spiritual podcast guest Chris Thrall with Lorraine Nilon- Beyond Addiction Hardship to Inner Paradise!

Sage advice: Be proud of your experiences! From Chris Thrall the man with a thousand inspiring true stories of overcoming adversity!

Addiction Recovery podcast that leads with inspiring stories of overcoming adversity!

Journaling For Personal Growth!


YouTube-FLIP THE BOOK – is a short video (3.03 mins). It is an excerpt of this interview.💫💫Flip the Book has journal prompts!! 
💫Use the Self-Reflective Questions as journal prompts, as a point for quiet self-contemplation or as a conversation starters with your friends.
💫FLIP THE BOOK is an intuitive and self-reflective discussion that is both revealing and is full of philosophical questions and answers. We learn a lot from other people’s experiences and perception.
💫FIND OUT WHAT you resonate with and explore why it touches your soul?
Photo of Chris Thrall and Lorraine Nilon - Background pen and journal - Journaling about trust and Karma

Journaling for personal transformation.


Find more quotes on Lorraine Nilon’s Facebook page-   See more QUOTES


CHRISS TRALL Quote: photo of self-help author and podcaster Lorraine Nilon and Podcaster and true story author Chris Thrall

Photo of Chris Thrall and Lorraine Nilon; Lorraine Nilon Quote:

👁✍️👁 EP 68: Beyond Addiction Hardship to Inner Paradise! CHRIS THRALL
✍️👁CHRIS THRALL – Author of Eating Smoke and Forty Nights

Thank you for checking out Lorraine Nilon’s  Spiritual Explorers podcast. We Love Inspiring True Stories of Overcoming Adversity!


Enjoying the content and want to show appreciation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/LorraineNilon

Lorraine Information

You’ll be surprised at what a session with me reveals. I take on a limited number of clients and improvement in self-awareness is inevitable after a session. I pride myself on my ability to help you understand yourself better.

Never miss out on the announcements of the next episodes:

Check out MORE Gems of Wisdom from Episode 067 – Use them as journal prompts, contemplation points or conversation starters.

We would love to hear your Aha moments – A special WORDS OF WISDOM form for reviews

4 Best Personal Transformation Approach to Life!

4 minute read…What is the Best Personal Transformation Approach to Life?

Personal transformation is a profound and often challenging journey that shapes our identities and perspectives. In a recent podcast episode featuring an insightful conversation with Chris Thrall, the theme of personal transformation approach to life takes centre stage.

Chris Thrall, a seasoned adventurer and motivational speaker, encourages us to “Be proud of your experiences!”

Let’s delve into the essence of personal transformation, drawing inspiration from the wisdom shared.

Personal transformation is where individuals evolve emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It’s a process of positive change that often involves embracing new perspectives, learning from experiences, and developing a deeper understanding of oneself, ultimately leading to a more fulfilled and purposeful life. This also encompasses spirituality greatly.

Spirituality is a process of transformation, expanding our awareness of self, origins, and the world we experience. The stepping-stone of your evolutionary journey creates a unique path, and we must honour the past, present, and future of our soul’s journey.

Lady heading for a tunnel surrounded by butterflies. quote: the face of judgment, becomes a transformative act in itself. Lorraine Nilon

Best Personal Transformation start with the willingness to be honest!

These four best personal transformation approaches to life are a robust foundation for any evolving soul. They are reference points to aid the navigation of challenges, cultivation of resilience, and sustaining meaningful personal transformation.


  1. Understanding Personal Transformation Steps Is A Dynamic Process!


At its core, personal transformation is a dynamic and ongoing process that involves self-discovery, growth, and adaptation.

Self-discovery requires becoming aware of oneself, stripping away denial to truly see the true essence of our being.

Growth involves turning observations into actionable wisdom.

Adaptation is crucial, as there will be a temptation to revert to the familiar. Vigilantly nurturing ourselves is essential for the transformation to become our new normal.

Our personal journeys are multifaceted. We never know what is around the corner and life throws us the unexpected. Personal transformation isn’t a one-time event but a continuous evolution fuelled by life experiences, challenges, and the willingness to embrace change.

Accepting the dynamism of life enables us to be present and aware! Personal transformation steps occur as your self-awareness expands!


  1. Overcoming Self-Destructive Behaviour.


Personal transformations challenges us to address how we treat ourselves. It is essential for self-awareness to grow. Overcoming self-destructive thoughts and behaviors requires expanding self-awareness. This sounds simple but most of us don’t acknowledge the start of our self-destructive patterns only the result. The sooner we recognise our decisions trajectories, the quicker we can adapt and be the creator of change.  

Recognizing patterns leading to self-destruction and being truthful with ourselves is the source of resilience. This truthfulness becomes a beacon of hope, inspiring us to confront inner demons and emerge stronger on the other side.

Transformation requires understanding the reality of our experiences to create new, wisdom-driven life experiences.


  1. Accepting The Past: A Gateway To Personal Transformation.


Accepting the past as a learning experience is fundamental. Embracing our past, not as a collection of regrets but as a reservoir of invaluable lessons, is liberating.

Reframing the past as a classroom rather than a courtroom empowers us to grow and evolve. Acceptance without self-persecution becomes a transformative tool, enabling us to move forward with newfound wisdom, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to continual self-improvement.


  1. Embracing Vulnerability and Authenticity.


True personal transformation involves shedding layers of pretense and embracing vulnerability. Vulnerability is courage! It involves the deliberate act of shedding the protective armour that conceals our authentic selves. This process necessitates the embracement of self-honesty, a crucial step in allowing the armour to gradually dissipate.

In embracing vulnerability, we unlock the power to connect deeply with ourselves and others. Our self-honesty cultivates resilience, creating space to rejuvenate our relationship with authenticity.

The courage to be authentic, even in the face of judgment, becomes a transformative act in itself.


In Conclusion: “Be Proud of Your Experiences”: A Mantra for Empowerment.


Personal transformation is a multifaceted journey demanding self-reflection, resilience, and a willingness to embrace change. We can all embark on a journey of self-discovery, proudly owning our experiences and emerging stronger, wiser, and more authentic than ever before.

Chris Thrall’s empowering quote encapsulates the essence of the conversation, serving as a rallying cry for individuals to take pride in their unique journeys. This mantra fosters a sense of empowerment, encouraging individuals to reclaim their narratives and find strength in their resilience. Celebrate the transformative process, remembering that each step forward is a victory, and every experience, no matter how challenging, contributes to the tapestry of our personal growth.

If you enjoyed – 4 Best Personal Transformation Approach To Life – You’ll love the Spiritual Explorer podcast!



Photo of podcaster Chris Thrall and Lorraine Nilon. Talking about addiction and the best personal transformation insights!

“Be Proud of Your Experiences” Chris Thrall: A Mantra for Empowerment.


YouTube Logo with phot of Lorraine Nilon

Spiritual Explorer Podcast- Youtube channel – Subscribe and never miss an Episode.


Lorraine Nilon- Child Sexual Abuse quoted in Global Quagmire

 Lorraine Nilon Quoted in

The Global Quagmire Child Sexual and Child Pornography
National Law University – Lucknow – Indian

Lorraine Nilon,  has bravely confronted the harrowing issue of childhood trauma of sexual abuse in her compelling book, “Breaking Free from the Chains of Silence.”

Nilon’s insightful perspective on this grave matter of child abuse caught the attention of esteemed publications, including her noteworthy inclusion in “The Global Quagmire: Child Sexual Abuse and Child Pornography” by the National Law University in Lucknow, India.

Her impactful words echo through the pages, shedding light on the urgent need for awareness and action to address the global epidemic of child sexual abuse exploitation. Nilon’s unwavering commitment to breaking the silence surrounding such atrocities serves as a beacon of hope in the pursuit of justice and protection for vulnerable children worldwide.


Child sexual abuse -Lorraine Nilon Quoted in: Excerpt from The Global Quagmire Child Sexual and Child Pornography National Law University – Lucknow – Indian

Another Lorraine Nilon  Abuse Quote: Abuse is never contained to a present moment, it lingers across a person’s lifetime and has pervasive long-term ramifications. ― Lorraine Nilon, Breaking Free From the Chains of Silence: A respectful exploration into the ramifications of Paedophilic abuse


The 20 Australian Personal Development Experts and Coaches to Work With in 2022-Lorraine Nilon

The 20 Australian Personal Development Experts and Coaches to Work With in 2022

by News Desk  October 13, 2021 in Featured

Australian Personal Development Experts and Coaches

“Being open to personal development is what allows us to become the best versions of ourselves. It’s not something that can readily be achieved in a couple of hours, but rather a lifelong process built up from constantly assessing life goals and values, and acquiring skills that allow us to thrive both mentally and physically.” 


Lorraine Nilon Self-Development Expert & Coach


Lorraine has a special interest in emotional trauma recovery,  managing and understanding our emotions and recognizing there is purpose to our life experiences.

Her approach to life is from a very grounded spirituality. Spiritual life coaching with integrity and authenticity! 

She classes understanding ourselves as spiritual and important to our emotional wellbeing.

She focuses on helping clients walk towards emotional and spiritual wellness by helping them address the root of their issues and to celebrate their own individuality. There is no one size fits all approach. Lorraine assist you to lean into the areas of your life, beliefs, and fears that cause you to be stuck! 

Lorraine expertise in self-reflection provide a life coaching services with a difference as she brings her skills as a soul-intuitive® helping clients with the missing pieces!

Overcoming roadblocks, identifying soul-purpose and establishing the awareness  to reach spiritual growth and self-discovery requires direction and Lorraine is a tour guide that highlights what to explore!


Winner sticker for 2023 Indie Reader Awards for Lorraine Nilon.

IRDA Winning Author Lorraine Nilon

IRDA WINNING SELF-HELP AUTHOR LORRAINE NILON: Inspirational/Spiritual book award.

I was very excited to get this news!!! I enjoyed receiving this!!

Congratulations! It is our pleasure to inform you that your book won in the non-fiction Inspirational/ Spiritual category for the 2023 IRDAs!

“The books that won the IRDAs this year are not simply great indie books; they are great books, period.”

On Thursday June 1st, IndieReader, one of the original review services for self, hybrid and independently published authors, announced the winners of the twelfth annual IR Discovery Awards (IRDAs) for 2023. Spirituality, Evolution & Awakened Consciousness by Lorraine Nilon won in the Inspirational/Spiritual category.

Book cover (lady standing on a bridge reaching for the heavens) of Lorraine Nilon self-help authors book with winner of 2023 India Reader Discovery Award - book review

IndieReader launched the IRDAs in 2011 to help notable indie authors receive the attention of top publishing professionals, with the goal of reaching more readers. Noted Amy Edelman, author and founder of IR,

We hope that our efforts via the IRDAs ensure that they receive attention from the people who matter most. Potential readers.”

Past and present sponsors for the IRDAs include Amazon, Reedsy, Smith Publicity and NY-based literary agents Dystel, Goderich & Bourret. Judges have included publishers (from Penguin Group USA and Simon & Schuster), agents (from ICM, Dystel), publicists (from Smith Publicity), and bloggers (from GoodeReader).

Spirituality, Evolution & Awakened Consciousness – Getting Real About Soul Maturity and Spiritual Growth was the winner in the Inspirational/Spiritual category of the 2023 IndieReader Discovery Awards, where undiscovered talent meets people with the power to make a difference.

(Amazon) Spirituality, Evolution and Awakened Consciousness:  https://geni.us/vEhN

Following find an interview with author Lorraine Nilon.

What is the name of the book and when was it published?

Spirituality, Evolution & Awakened Consciousness – Getting Real About Soul Maturity and Spiritual Growth. Published -2021

What’s the book’s first line?

To understand the true meaning of spirituality, evolution and awakened consciousness, we have to acknowledge the complexity of who we are.



Author and Writers Interview – Awesome Gang: Lorraine Nilon

Interview With Self-Help Author: LORRAINE NILON

Excerpt from
AWESOME GANG Self-Help Author Interview

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
The best way to describe myself is busy. I love what I do, and never have enough hours in the day to do it. However, I do consciously value my down time catching up with family and friends. I believe life has to have balance. My children have grown and left the nest, and I am embracing the next stage of my life.

Life is like a book and you experience different chapters. Some chapters are a reconnaissance phase building awareness, others have great upheaval and there are some chapter that move you to the next section, opening up to new chapters that allow the tapestry of wisdom gathered, to shine. I live knowing life is an ever-evolving event.

Human connection is important to me and I love to engage in honest conversations. I am passionate about philosophy, personal growth and awakening to our authentic selves. I value being self-reflective and I enjoy participating in the exploration of the reality of life on all levels, from the exquisiteness of our soul truth and to the depths of our emotional baggage.

I find people intriguing, and respect our lives as soul journeys. This is evident in the 3 books I have written.

Spirituality, Evolution and Awakened Consciousness – Getting real about soul maturity and spiritual growth.
Hidden within ourselves are answers to our own questions! It is a book that assists you to tap into our own wisdom. This book is an experience, you’ll laugh, cry, get frustrated, feel relieved and celebrate your Aha moments. This inspiring book arms you with the essential tools needed to develop emotional maturity and spiritual growth.

Packed with wisdom, stories and questions that lead you on a journey of self-discovery, encouraging you to step off the merry-go-round of harsh self-judgement and awaken to your significance.

Your insight & Awareness Book – Your life is an expedition to discover the truth of yourself.
Designed to be a concept finder so you can delve deep into the issues surrounding your self-awareness and assists you to acknowledge what gets in the way of self-acceptance. You randomly flip open the book and where ever your eyes land, read as little or as much as you like and then contemplate what has been highlighted for you.

Breaking Free from the Chains of Silence – A respectful exploration into the ramifications of abuse hidden behind closed doors.
This book resulted from a twelve-year exploration into the true ramifications of childhood sexual abuse. In my Soul Intuitive®-Life Coaching sessions I started to work with countless childhood abuse victims who endeavored to become emotionally healthy survivors and thrivers.

This type of abuse is not my history and I was educated by victims of abuse. Their honesty allowed me the privilege to document the stored energy, beliefs, fears and misconceptions that keep many victims struggling with life.

It is a difficult book to read because it is a difficult subject. However, recovery doesn’t occur without an honest and respectful exploration into what needs to be healed to feel whole. An invaluable resource for victims of any type of abuse or child protection advocates.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Do you have any unusual writing habits?

What authors, or books have influenced you?


To read the rest of the interview: AWESOME GANG Author Interview